hqueen's collection of Far From the Usual stuff.


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
Reaction score
Fallston, MD
Hahaha yall are awesome!!
I AM getting in the hot tub tonight, @baymule After I all won't have access to it for too much longer!!

SETTLEMENT IS TUESDAY!!!!!!! :weee:weee:weee:weee
My realtor called and we scheduled it for Tuesday at 3:30. I'm SO happy to have it done before Thanksgiving. I told the BF I wanted to start moving stuff immediately, and he was like "well, I want to see what we need to do." And I'm like "What we need to do is move boxes." Or that's what I wanted to say. What I did say was "oh, ok, we can look at that. I'll start getting the cleaning stuff and the kitchen things out of storage first since they're closest to the door of the unit." If I had MY way I'd have crap in the truck with me when we go for signing!!! I don't think he'd appreciate that, though... But I can guarantee you I'll have stuff prepped to paint before the holiday. I think that's mostly what he wants to do because some of the rooms are colors that I don't appreciate, like pink, and so we just want to get something fresh on it. My goal is to be buying paint on Wednesday night and get most of it done by Thursday for dinner because I should be able to get it taped off on Wednesday so it'll be prepped and ready to go. For real, I'm not wasting time. I'm SO ready to be back in one place with MY stuff and MY space and MY THINGS! (I'm gonna miss that hot tub though!)

In other news, I was considering buying my friend's suburban. It was very nice, lots of fancy features, and a 2011, but it had 153k miles on it. That's a far cry better than the 219k that my little 2 door explorer rolled over just this week. BUT, when I went and pulled the paperwork my ex boyfriend and I bought the explorer in '08 with 80k miles on it. And then when he and I split, he sold it to me 3 years ago, with 160k on it. I've put 59,000 miles on it in 3 years! :thThat means if I were to get a loan payment to cover the $13k that they want for the suburban (which is reasonable, really) I'd have the same amount of miles on it as on my Explore and still have 2 years of payments left. NOT worth it! Soooooo now I have to figure out what's going to work. First I think I need to pay off some debt, and then I think maybe I can get a loan. Now I just have to figure out what I want, and what I am willing to pay for it. I really don't want a payment, but I'm not sure I can avoid that at the moment. Hopefully it won't take much effort to get it to pass the emissions check coming up in January but there's definitely work that has to happen before then. The gas tank has to be sealed (yeah, it's leaking... it's up high so it's not like it leaks all the time (I don't think anyway)), and I need a new tail pipe. I have no tail pipe right now, because, really, who needs that? I scanned auto trader the other day and using the criteria of not over $11,000, in the SUV/Truck category with 4wd there's not a whole lot. A LOT of escapes (I didn't like the first one that I had, so I'm not sure I'm keen on that), and a handful of other things. My sister and a friend both had Santa Fes and liked them, so I'm considering that. We'll see what happens when I'm ready to buy, though, I'm thinking that by March I should be ready and will hopefully have a down payment and less debt by then.

In other news I've picked up a cold along the way. Rather not happy about that, but I was able to stay at home and mostly sleep/read/relax yesterday. I didn't sleep well, but the headache that I had yesterday evening is gone at least. That's what I get for forgetting to take the airborne a few more days. The good news is that I should be able to kick this before we close so I can go full steam ahead again.

So that's the news from these parts!


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
Reaction score
WooHoo! That is freakin' fantastic! Is it my imagination or are ya a little ahead of schedule? I'm so happy for ya'll. We will definitely need pictures!


Sustainability Master
Nov 13, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
That is wonderful! Definitely paint before you move in. What about throwing some blankets on the floor and staying there painting until you get tired, then up in the morning to paint some more? I painted the whole house before we moved in and put down wood floors. Paint is cheap decorating and will brighten up the whole place.

On the car.....why not just buy a new one? You can get a Kia Sportage for under $25K or a Soul for $17K and they would be BRAND NEW. Or what about a Hyundai? You can get a Elantra sedan for $16K, they have a $3500 rebate right now. It might not be your dream car, but it would be a cheap payment and you wouldn't have to worry about breaking down for a long time. Why buy something that's already worn out? Look online for rebates, they might lower the price to something you can afford. Or look online at some of the big used car companies like Drive Time, Auto Nation, or Car Max. You can find a good deal on a newer car with low miles and car dealers really, really want to sell you a car! Just don't sign up for a lease car, the payments are low, but they limit the miles you can drive per year, so when you trade it back in, the milage overage kicks your butt.


Rest in Peace 1980-2020
Sep 26, 2013
Reaction score
Wonderful news about the house! :hugs Almost, almost there now. baymule's thinking along the right track car-wise… If you're looking at that price range you mentioned, you may as well look for a new one. I didn't have one myself, but I here the Honda CRV is a lovely car too.


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
Reaction score
Fallston, MD
Annnnndddd never mind.

So the sister decided to be a pain. I almost didn't tell anybody that we had a date, and I guess I shouldn't have. So here's the story. There are 3 sisters that are selling this house, which was their parent's house. One of the sisters lived in it for a while after their father passed away. Now she and her husband have bought their own place, and so they're selling the parent's house. One of the other sisters is the executor on the estate, and apparently she wanted to close last week, which we couldn't do because the bank wasn't ready. I would have RUN to closing if we could have! Since she wanted to close last week, my realtor assumed she'd still want to close early. Apparently not. Since we couldn't close last week, she's decided to hold off until the 30th. She gave him some crap about wanting all 3 sisters to be there to hand over the keys. My realtor was so ticked off that he said "Well, I'm sorry, but my clients won't be there in person. They'd like to do this separately." Which I appreciated, anyway. I asked him if he told her that I was currently HOMELESS, and he said YUP. So I'm praying that over thanksgiving her others sisters talk some sense into her (I have a feeling that she hasn't told them that she's manipulating things this badly). The reality is that none of them need to be there together. There are several other options available to them to get this done easily and quickly for all of us. I'd love to get to know them LATER, after we're done wading through paperwork. I don't really want anyone else there that doesn't HAVE to be there to distract us from getting through all of the pages. I know the BF is going to be overwhelmed by all the legalese and that's going to make him anxious. Having 3 other people standing around waiting on him to read every line isn't going to help him.

So we're still exactly where we were with our thumbs up our butts waiting. My friends don't care, and in fact, she texted me yesterday and gave us permission for the BF to stay at the house even while they're there, so that was sweet of her. They got home last night and we had a lot of laughs about the fact that we've been in the house more than they have this month. SH was like "did you like what we did with the house??" We were cracking up.

Other than that, not much news. I'm dreading the holiday traffic crazy season. I have things that I need to do, but I really dislike having to fight my way through crowds to do it. I realized that Monday is the BF's birthday, I guess I'll just take him out to a nice dinner since I don't have anything else planned for him. He wouldn't want me to buy anything anyway right now.

So yeah. That's about all the news on this front. I'm mostly over the anger of the situation, and now I'm just waiting. Our lender has put everything in motion, so if they do decide they are ok getting things done sooner we can jump as soon as they say it. We'll see. Either way, we'll be in by December (or at least moving everything the first weekend in Dec!)


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
Reaction score
UGGGGGGGG- what a PIA! So sorry you're dealing with a ...mmm...an unreasonable person. It will all work out eventually, I'm sure - but that doesn't help the situation NOW! Hope you have a good holiday and that BF has a great birthday!


Rest in Peace 1980-2020
Sep 26, 2013
Reaction score
Oh my word, that is dang inconsiderate of her! She should've discussed this with you to see if it would be o.k. with you.


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
Reaction score
Fallston, MD
Well, we have a date and time again. Thursday morning we'll go for the walk through, then go to the settlement office and sign. They're signing after us (which sounds odd, but whatever), and even though we'll leave with the keys when we're done, we won't be allowed in until they're done about an hour later. My thought is to leave the settlement office and drive up to the storage unit and load up the truck so that by the time they're done signing we can go and start putting stuff in. That timing should work out just fine.

@baymule I forgot to mention your suggestions for the car. I really need something with 4wd, and I'm much more comfortable in an SUV or truck just because I can see better. Hence the thought of getting something used because I really don't want a loan for the full price of a new SUV! I'm interested in the Santa Fe, my sister had one and my friends have one and they've really liked them, and they're going to be less expensive used than an Explorer or Equinox. We'll see what is available when I'm ready for it, though. I'd love to build up a down payment, but again, we'll just have to see how things come together. The challenge is do I build up a down payment or do I put all that money into paying off the credit card.... decisions decisions...

We had a nice thanksgiving, nothing super special. The weather was mostly really nice, so that was helpful. We had dinner at his aunt and uncle's house, which meant no dishes and no leftovers. Yesterday we did dinner at the BF's parent's house for his birthday since I was going to take him out tonight. I'm looking forward to that. I might even wear a skirt! :ep(I'll probably still cheat and put leggings on under it though, it's too freaking cold!)

We went paint chip shopping on Saturday for the heck of it. We picked out quite a few shades in the colors that we like, so now it's a matter of narrowing it down. I'm torn between wanting to wait and unpack some of the curtains and pictures that we have before I choose the color, or just winging it and hoping that I remembered the colors that I have accurately enough. We'll see how it goes anyway, we still have time to decide.

So that's about all from over here. Hopefully everything goes smooth and we can get stuff moved and painted the way we want quickly enough! We also have to buy a new mattress since we threw away the one we had. Not really excited about that, but I guess we'll figure out something. We do have a bed, but it's a full, but it will work if we have to.