hqueen's collection of Far From the Usual stuff.


Sustainability Master
Jul 22, 2011
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Klamath County, OR
I have been known to use stuff the was a little "old". I always make sure I cook it very well done, and so far that's done the trick. Pretty much all the dangerous stuff is killed off that way.

Lazy Gardener

Super Self-Sufficient
May 14, 2017
Reaction score
Central Maine, Zone 4B
I would let eyes and nose tell me what to do with it.

I've not lost meat products in the fridge for a LONG time. I've been getting in the habit of breaking bulk meats down as soon as they are brought into the house, and getting them in vac seal bags, frozen immediately. I absolutely LOVE that vac seal. IMO, it paid for it'self within the first 6 months of it's use, b/c anything that's vac sealed has a MUCH LONGER shelf life. I can take a package of hamburg out of the freezer, stick it in the fridge, and it will stay fresh there for days. Prior to the vac seal, any meat taken out of the freezer needed to be used immediately. An other benefit of the vac seal: I pack hamburg in 1# chunks, then flatten the meat out so it's of uniform thickness, usually about 3/4" thick. When I have forgotten to take something out of the freezer, and supper is needed quickly, it only takes about 10 minutes thaw that hamburg in a bowl of water. What a time saver THAT is!!!
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<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
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Fallston, MD
I tossed that just because it was a few days over the use by date already, and I just didn't want to risk it since I didn't have time to cook it, either, and that would have been the only way I would have wanted to freeze a bunch of it is if it was already cooked. So it goes. I did go back and buy another pack, and that pack got divided and put in the freezer right away. I use ziplocks because I'm lazy, and because we eat it fast enough that I don't really have to worry about how long it is in the freezer. I prefer to buy it from a local beef farm, and not the grocery store, anyway, but it's almost twice as expensive, which is frustrating. Quality or quantity is a struggle. I squish the ziplocks, too, so it thaws fast, which is so helpful!

This weekend was pretty good. The BF worked Saturday morning, and clocked 60 hours, which is his legal limit since he's a driver. That part of his check will be fat! I puttered around, and got more halloween decorations put out, which was nice. He got home and we got started on clearing out the old shed again. We made quite a bit of headway before I finally decided that we needed to go get food before I fell over. We headed down to take care of Cowboy and Coyote while we were out, and then got home and did a bit more work. We're SO close, it's down to the odds and ends that are so hard to flipping decide what to do with. The little miscellaneous stuff that it's hard to decide is it worth keeping, or should I just dump it? We're doing pretty good, though, and got all the christmas lights into smaller bins, and up on a shelf over the door where they're out of the way, and got several other things organized on shelves, which feels great. I'm hoping that this week we can just keep chipping away at it and hopefully get it DONE. I wanted to work more on it on Sunday, but that didn't happen.

The farrier was coming for Storm, and since I knew that would take a while I went to Cowboy and Coyote first, and then to the barn. It felt like everything took forever and the stalls were super messy. The farrier was early, which was a good thing, I think, because it took us an hour and a half, because I have to pace myself so much since it's so challenging to do the work. Storm did good, and he didn't need a huge amount of trimming so that was a good thing, too. Now I just need to focus on keeping up with it. I finally got home at almost 1:00, and we made leftovers for lunch, and then I went to soak away the aches in the tub. At first I was thinking 'oh, it's nice to only have to come to the barn once...' but if I'm the one that has to do all the work for trimming there's NO way I can trim AND do 5 stalls. I just can't handle all that! So I nixed that idea pretty quick. Got out of the shower, and we decided to head down to Cowboy and Coyote again, grab dinner, and go by BJ's to get some things for the week. The BF was really great while I was gone and got the house cleaned, and he mowed the lawn. I don't think it needed to be mowed, because the poor grass is just burnt up since we've had NO rain, and mowing it while it's mostly dead just kills it more. But he did anyway, and so here we are. I think that was more to avoid working in the shed again than anything.

The septic people come on Wednesday to pump everything out and make sure it's working correctly. The BF may try to take off, we'll see if that works or not. On one hand I'd love to have an extra day with him home. But on the other hand the overtime is so nice. Either way it will work out just fine.

Looks like we have rain coming this week, at least I hope it actually does. Next weekend I want to get manure spread, get the whole thing aerated, and then get the lime down. We'll see if we can make that work.


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
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Fallston, MD
THE OLD SHED IS DOWN!!!!! :weee:weee:celebrate:celebrate:weee:weee
I'm SO happy we got that done this weekend!
It wasn't really the plan, but since the neighbor ended up working and we couldn't get any manure from them, we took advantage of the time and did that instead. Saturday we actually started the day by cleaning out behind the fridge. Hadn't been done since we bought the fridge almost 7 years ago... sooo yeah, it needed it. It was running too much and the freezer wasn't keeping things really cold, so hopefully this helps and there isn't something bigger wrong with it. Then we headed out and got started on the shed. The neighbor came over and brought his BIG crow bars and hammer, and between those, him, and the BF we tore it apart! We salvaged most of the frame, which is FULL of crazy big nails, but we'll deal with those later. We got the roof off and the sides, and got it stripped down to the floor platform. Sunday after I got done in the barn (one stop so I was home at a reasonable time!) we got all of the siding and roof loaded into the pickup truck, and then stripped the nails out of the longer pieces of framing. I swear that old man must have used 150 pounds of nails in that little shed. There were ALL kinds, big ones, tiny ones, long ones, thin ones... geez. We reorganized some things, and moved the remnants of the silt fence so that it will catch the drainage that runs off from where the shed was (there was so much stuff sitting there that it stopped the dirt from washing away... all that stuff isn't sitting there anymore so it has nothing to stop it now!). So the next steps are to keep cleaning up the junk, and then get the floor up (hopefully some time this week), and get all the stuff out from under it, and then we get to push dirt around again! The BF is hoping that he can bring a bobcat home from work for this weekend so that he can move the dirt easily and get it leveled out where we want it. I'm just so tickled that we're moving projects along, finally!!
So Saturday morning there's going to be a dump run, and then maybe a second one depending on the status of the floor. I'm hoping the neighbor will be able to get some manure to us so that we can get that project done, too. I don't want that lime sitting around for too long. Of course, we went to the BF's parent's to pick up his dad's little seed/fertilizer spreader and when we got it home we found out it was broken. :somad:he I should expect by now that when we borrow something from his dad we'll have to fix it before we can use it. You can't get parts for it, so we'll have to rig something up ourselves. The BF thinks he might be able to make something out of metal, which would be better than the plastic, anyway, but we'll see.
SO things are rolling along. We ended up having a conversation about how we think we want to rearrange the kitchen when we can remodel it, which is way down the road, but now I'm excited about doing it and want to get it done... LOL.
My check is fat, and that's a Good thing!!!!! Now hopefully I can apply some of these funds to get some stuff done as well. At least I can contribute more towards the washer and dryer (omg we tried researching that.... I'm not really very happy because there's no clear answer for what is best...), so we'll see what happens with that.
I'll try to log in from my phone later and post pictures of the shed demolition. The BF even pushed part of it over with the tractor because it was easier than trying to take it down... LOL


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
Reaction score
Fallston, MD
OH yes, it's SO great to look out the window and NOT see the shed. Now I can't wait to look out the window and NOT see the pile of dirt and weeds!!!! We're SO close!
Yes, the fat pay check is so helpful! Of course, I got an email yesterday from Simplisafe that they're running a 50% off sale. :ep In the 2 years I've gotten their emails they've never done that. So I think we're going to take some of those extra funds and jump on that. I'm not thrilled about needing to put the money towards it, but at least it's HALF of what we would be otherwise. So that's helpful, and needed. I'll feel much more secure knowing that we have a system, and I'm ordering a smoke detector which will connect to it so that if something happens while we're not home then it will alert us, which makes me feel even better with the stove in the basement. That still does leave some money left over, so that's a good thing. It's a good use of the extra funds, so I shouldn't be complaining about that. Now to make sure I keep getting fat checks without killing myself! I'd love to dump some of this at my debt, but the bigger picture is that other things are a little more important than the debt I'm barely paying interest on, so I'd rather just leave it where it is at the moment.
We're supposed to get 1-2" of rain tomorrow, I just hope it's gentle, but we'll see. We desperately need it, but not too fast, because it will just run off again. It's supposed to be chilly and windy on Thursday and Friday, which will help it dry out so that hopefully I can start to get that manure moved from my neighbor's. This may be perfect timing, there is a light chance of rain in the forecast all next week, so hopefully it will rain now to soften the ground, then we can spread everything, and then we'll get nice gentle rain next week to let it sink in.
So that's the news from around here anyway :)


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
Reaction score
Fallston, MD
We got rain yesterday!!! It rained from mid morning through mid afternoon and we got about an inch and a half. Not bad at all. It mostly fell slowly, so it didn't create too much run off, which was a good thing. I'm feeling really grateful that it wasn't too much too fast. The temps have dropped, and now it's crazy windy today, which will hopefully dry things out enough that they are workable again, so that we can get some of this manure down and get it aerated in. We've got so much to do this weekend, I'm not sure how it is all going to work out, but we'll see. Whatever we get done will be enough, I'm sure. It looks like we might spend some time hanging out with friends, some good friends of ours are coming through town, and then some other friends of the BF's want to get together on Saturday night, too. So we'll have to squeeze social time in between all the work, but that's fine with me. Of course, the friends coming through town might come to our house, which means I need to clean! Eek!! One top of all the other stuff, LOL.
This afternoon when I get home I'm going to try to get all the stuff for goodwill loaded up, so that tomorrow I can drop that off. I need to reach out to the tool consignment shop and see if they want anything that we have as well, if not it's going to goodwill, too. I want that crap OUT of the house! That will make it easier to clean up things if all that junk is gone.
Tuesday night we ordered the safe system, and when my card was charged, it was charged for the full amount, NOT the 50% off amount. :somad:rant I called them first thing when they opened Wednesday morning, and the guy was very nice, and apologized for the "mistake". I was like uhhuh, just fix it or I'm canceling the order. So he says that he made the adjustment, and refunded my card, but it will take "24 to 48 hours" for my bank to process it. We'll see if it shows up by tomorrow, if not, they'll be getting another phone call about why I don't have my money back. The guy gave me the tracking number that was with my order, but it hasn't been processed yet, so FedEx doesn't show any information. If that doesn't get updated by tomorrow either I'll be asking about that, too... They've better get this stuff straight or I won't be keeping any of the order at all.
Not much else happening... but I guess that's a good thing!


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
Reaction score
Glad you got rain and it wasn't overwhelming. We got some too and I'm not happy about it - back to boots!

Hope you get the CC charge corrected. I hate it when something like that happens. Just adds to the stress and the things you have to keep track of. Ugh!

Have fun hanging with your friends this weekend!


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
Reaction score
Fallston, MD
Thanks FEM!!

It was a really busy weekend.

I did get the refund, and they sent me a little extra, which I'm totally ok with!! I FINALLY got the shipping update, but FedEx hasn't updated yet, which probably means they haven't actually picked up the package, which is rather annoying. At this rate we won't have it until the middle of next week at the earliest. I guess we'll see how it goes.

Saturday we got up, and I headed down to Cowboy and Coyote while the BF waited to meet the dump truck with another load of dirt from his uncle. I got back home, and the dump truck still wasn't there. He called his uncle and he was like oh, he'll be there in an hour or so... I'm like well we're going to the dump now then. We could have left earlier and it would have been a better use of time, but so much for communication. So we headed to the dump, and along the way I texted the neighbor about using his dump trailer to move manure later that afternoon. He called me and said he was driving past where we were going, and so we arranged to meet to get the key for the lock on the trailer. Grabbed that, went to the dump and unloaded the first load of the old shed. Headed home, met the dump truck driver and showed him where to dump the dirt, then hooked up the dump trailer and drove around to the other neighbor's to get the manure. Took forever to load because he was using a loader from the 1960's which was slow as crap. Did the job, though, and we barely made it out with the load of manure and back up to the house just as the dump truck returned with the second load. We got the trailer with the manure down the hill (that was dicey, it was still a bit wet) and unloaded, and then scrubbed off the trailer (can't return a poopy trailer to the neighbor). Started loading the pickup truck to make the second run to the dump, and realized that we wouldn't get back in time for me to get down to the farm to help SR out for the afternoon. I loaded up the BF, and he headed down there, and then I ran to grab some lunch and go to the farm to work. Worked the market for the afternoon, saw several friends, and then SR told me to take veggies home, which was nice. Headed to Cowboy and Coyote's, found Coyote lame which I hope is only an abscess. Headed home, the BF threw a pizza in the oven, and then I crashed for the night.
Drug myself out of bed as early as I could muster, but it still wasn't early enough to beat the rain starting Sunday morning. Turned the horses out, got wet, and started chores. Finished up at the barn, and then down to Cowboy and Coyote's again. He was worse lame, so I gave him some bute, and collected the laundry and headed home. The BF built me a box to hold my saddle in the car, which is super nice, it's fancier than I expected, but will help keep the back of my car neater, which is nice. It was still raining. We cobbled together some lunch, and then I got in the bath to soak away the damp rain, which felt good. After the shower, we headed down to meet up with friends. The BF was a little disappointed that they wanted to meet at a bar and watch the football game. They're really big football fans, and the BF just isn't interested. I don't care for bars because they're noisy. They brought their 6 month old kiddo, who was extremely mellow, and didn't mind the noisy bar at all. It was good to see them, even if they did spend most of their time staring at the screen instead of talking.
Left there part way through the game, and went back to the farm to take care of the chickens. I made the executive decision to only collect eggs, and not wash them. I'll have to do 3 buckets worth today, so I might regret that decision, but it was still raining, and cold, and I was just done for the day. Passed out when I got home, and wished I could have kept sleeping, but had to get to the office.
I'm happy though that after this evening's chicken duties (and 3 buckets of egg washing...) I won't have any farm chores for the rest of the week, which means I get to be like a normal person and won't have to worry about rushing to a barn in the morning or evening! That makes me pretty happy! I've got a busy schedule, so that's a good thing. I need to go to the grocery store, and I'm not really excited about that, but hopefully I can get in and out quickly this afternoon.
Still chugging away at stuff, the BF did get all the manure spread on Saturday afternoon while I was at the farm, and started moving dirt, but ran out of time. So hopefully this rain isn't going to slow us down. Why does it always rain A LOT when we get a load of dirt???

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