hqueen's collection of Far From the Usual stuff.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Sounds like you're getting a lot done. And, I know that feeling about needing a break cuz of your back!


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
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Fallston, MD
If I don't take care of it, Deb, I'm going to be in a world of hurt, literally!
Got everything done that I set out to do yesterday, which is an oddity, that almost never happens!
Today, I'm not so sure. I have to go visit a friend that has some boxes for me, and I'm just not feeling it. I really want to stay home and kinda of wallow in my own pity today. I'm just not feeling chipper and energized. I must have used it all up yesterday.
We had the cocktails and drinks last night from the office, mostly to celebrate the transition. It was nice and fun and there were lots of stories passed around, but there was still an undercurrent of things in the room. My former bosses gave several toasts. However, the new owner didn't even bother. It just shows to me how he isn't really ready to step up to the plate. I hope he figures out how to be a leader really quickly, otherwise he's going to lose everyone. I'm so glad I don't have to make that decision for myself! Too many good things are coming my way anyway.
I'm debating working the horse today, I don't think I really feel like it, but I know I should spend some more time around the trailer because he's got to go in comfortably and be happy in there... I know he will, but I'm sort of anxious about it. I'm a bit anxious about everything right now, so many details having to come together at exactly the right time...
Don't know what I'll get done today, but hopefully it will be something productive...


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
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Fallston, MD
Managed to get a few things done today, despite not feeling all that motivated. I did get one box packed this morning with some large books. Then I ran up to my friend's new house to pick up her packing boxes that she just got done using. I'm now the proud owner of 24 copy paper boxes, 18 small boxes, 11 medium boxes, and 4 large boxes, in addition to the boxes that H gave me last night, and the ones that we had saved already. I'd like to think that this will be enough, but then, I'm not completely foolish enough to think so either. I guess we'll see.
I got the boxes unloaded and managed to get them in the house, my entire living room is nothing but boxes now, which is mildly irritating since everything was already a mess, and a mess on top of a mess is not fun. Since it was threatening major rain, I decided to go ahead and start feeding since I was afraid that E wouldn't be home soon enough and the other half had to work late tonight. I didn't want to wait until E got home, or until I knew he wouldn't be home early only to get caught in the rain. It also wasn't early enough that I could take care of Cowboy and Coyote yet since I got a late start this morning. I had to put out a round bale in one pasture, and managed to do so with the tractor all by myself. That doesn't sound like much until you realize that pasture has the steepest hill out of all of them, with a couple of water ruts running across the hill at an angle, plus I had to get the hay net on, and then get the plastic feeder over the bale. I managed, though it wasn't very speedy. All told even with that I managed to get everything done in 2 hours. I didn't have to do anything with the 5 school horses, though, and nobody needed water, so that helped a lot.
The kids that were petting the horses just left, so now I'm going to go take care of Cowboy and Coyote and then I need a shower!! Hay in winter is bad enough, but hay in summer while sweaty is worse!!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Especially when that hay ends up down your clothing! :lol:

I'm not sure when we're going to get hit w/this storm. I got done everything I needed to do outside, so I'm ready. And, my little generator is full of gas, so if I lose the power tomorrow while hubby is at work, I'll be OK.


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
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Fallston, MD
A generator is pretty high on our to buy list. The house we're moving to is on well water, and there is no holding tank. I also have some bottles saved up here that I have kept for a long time in the event of a need to store water, so I'll have those available that I can fill and then keep around and rotate them out over time. Not having water scares me the most because we have auto waterers on the farm. I'm going to have to talk to him about what happens when the power goes out with these things. I don't know if they're on the same pump as the rest of the system, or if they actually have some kind of gravity pump that doesn't require power to run. I sure hope so because that will make me feel a LOT better about the water issue if we loose power.
Just finished my breakfast of scrambled eggs made in the cast iron again but we were out of milk, so I used sour cream instead. Pretty yummy!
Today is gray and cloudy with gentle rain for most of the morning. Or its liquid air, I'm not sure which, but its a nice gray morning. Its a bummer I have to go take care of Cowboy and Coyote, otherwise I'd stay in my PJ's for most of the day as I packed!
I don't have a definitive list right now, which isn't making me feel good, but forward progress is all I'm hoping for. I need to organize the recipe binders and project binders that I have. I scalped a bunch of supplies from the office that weren't being used, and that will help me better organize the things that I have. I also need to make some copies for the other half so he can keep some of these recipes too.
I can probably go ahead and get my office supplies packed up, I have the things that I brought home with me from when I left, plus the things that were already in the house that were mine. I shouldn't really need any of that in the next few weeks, heck I hardly use it at all anyway.
I can also go ahead and organize the files and get them sorted, separated, and get a box organized for shredding so that it is out of the house. I know there is a lot of paperwork that needs to be shredded, so it will be good to get that out of here.
Other than that, I don't feel like I have a whole lot of direction right now, which is frustrating. I suppose I can always pack up my books, but that is somewhat depressing to me to think about (I'm not sure why...). My books are my good company and I have LOTS of them.
Going to lunch today with a friend to catch her up on the situation, so that should be fun.
I need to get in touch with B, the other lady that keeps her horses there and find out when I can catch up with her at the farm to spend some time meeting her horses, and going over how she does things and figuring out what I'm going to need. I have no clue if I'm going to need to buy buckets or anything like that at all yet.
The kitchen is also in shambles here, which makes it a bit challenging to figure out how to separate what we have and get it sorted out to be packed up. There are some things I know that will be mine, and some things I'm not sure of. So its going to be a matter of figuring out what makes the most sense. That's going to take some time, and I need to have the help of the other half to make sure that I don't take anything he wants, and vice versa.
Now, I just have to get a jump on things...


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
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Fallston, MD
Managed to get a box of office supplies packed, then sorted some more office stuff this evening. Got the majority of my knitting stuff into a box, though I suspect that I'll find more things as I continue to sort everything. Had lunch with a friend and caught her up on the situation, which was helpful, and she's going to have some time to be able to help me get things packed and loaded, which is huge for me.
Got tangled up trying to print some promo things for my boss, and the darn printer just would not print. Had to install and uninstall the drivers and then attempt to reinstall them twice. Finally got the drivers straight and started printing the business cards he needed, discovering that the printer wasn't happy if more than 1 page was loaded so I had to babysit it and print one page at a time. Finished that and still had to clean up my packing mess from earlier so E could actually get into his room.
I don't feel like I got much done today, but I guess every little bit counts! It doesn't feel like much yet because there aren't any visual results, the entire house is still in chaos, I can't even see half the TV due to the stack! It's quite disturbing to me and I'm just trying not to focus on it too much.
An up side is that I've found a few more things to sell in the yard sale. Not much but money is money.
We're picking up the entertainment center I scored off of freecycle tomorrow morning. If the photo does it justice then this is a great score! We'll see tomorrow, I'm borrowing H's truck to haul it and then we'll take up to the new house so I don't have to figure out where to put it!


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
Reaction score
Fallston, MD
Thank FEM. I need reminders that it is progress sometimes, because it sure doesn't feel like it, especially when I realize its 19 days until we REALLY have to move... and even less time when the horses move! EEK!

We did pick up the entertainment cabinet, and its BEAUTIFUL. It came from a Gardiner's Furniture store, which is a nice place, and is solid wood. I'm SO grateful to have it, because it will look NICE in the house. I don't like having junky pieces, and we're going to end up with enough junky pieces that it is good to know that we'll have something we won't have to replace any time soon! Of course we get it up to the house and in, and then discover that the layout of the living room isn't quite what we remembered... The pellet stove is centered in the end wall, and on the north wall, the stairs come down into the living room, then there is a window, also in the middle of the wall. That blew my thought for the wall space to put the entertainment center on. I had forgotten that there was a window there like that... So we talked about moving the pellet stove over to the right to put it a little closer to the middle of the house, and then that should give us just enough room to caddy corner the entertainment center a little bit so that it points back towards the center of the room a little better.

I managed to pack 3 boxes this weekend. It doesn't seem like much, but it was laborious anyway. Most of what I've packed has been books, office supplies, photo albums, and most of my knitting things. That brings my box count to 7. That doesn't sound like very many.... :/ Its raining today, so I'm going to try to keep plugging away at it. Its not smart to try to load the horse on the wet grass and a slippery ramp.

So we'll see just how many boxes I can get packed today and how much organizing I can do to make headway here.


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
Reaction score
Fallston, MD
Found another box I forgot I packed... so that makes 8 total. Just topped off a box of momentos, and packed a box of books. We're going to have some heavy freaking boxes. I'm such a good packer that there's not an inch of space left, and a copy paper box full of books is HEAVY. Oh well, it is what it is... Just glad I'm making some headway. I feel like I should be moving faster...
That makes 9 boxes packed.... Ugh.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
I know the feeling! It took me about 2 hours to do dishes and clean 1/4 of my kitchen this morning!

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