hqueen's collection of Far From the Usual stuff.


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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Good job on the savings! It is a nice feeling to have a little tucked away, isn't it? Hope your day works out the way you want it to!


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
Reaction score
Fallston, MD
Thanks FEM!
The fed returns hit! Happy dance! :weee
we went out to dinner to celebrate. Lol
my phone had been acting weird all weekend and I'm afraid its going to die. Took it to the sprint store last night and they can't find anything wrong. Grr.
Otherwise been trucking along. I made it to the yoga workshop and mediation on Sunday despite the ice, and it was going. That was my first full speed class, for lack of a better word. Whoa! Lol my arms are so sore today. I did bit a mat so at least i don't have to use 2 of theirs all the time. Now i can put mine on top and one of theirs on the bottom so it's nice and squishy.
Busy busy otherwise. Gotta head to the other farm to make a few dollars today, and then come home for an energy work call this afternoon. I need to run some errands, too, but I'm not sure when I'll get to that. This weekend I'm working the expo up on PA, and i need snacks and food to sustain me. I'm just passing they don't stick me in that both by myself like they did last year. That stunk because i was totally alone and had to call over the radio if i needed a break To go to the bathroom. otherwise i couldn't get out of the box i was in. We'll see I guess.
Alright gotta get a move on if I'm gonna go make money.


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
Reaction score
Fallston, MD
Crazy weather. Started worth sleet yesterday and just stunk thought the afternoon. Thankfully we fit the chores done at the other barn without too much Trouble. We got a dump truck of sawdust for the stalls, which was great. On the day we didn't have to do all the stalls we were able to load up on the sawdust and get the pile coveted back up. Of course it was the two tiniest fields struggling to cover the huge pile with the huge heavy tarps.
had a great call with my energy worker yesterday. I feel good this morning. Hopefully I can continue the work.
Need to make some phone calls today. I was supposed to go talk to the guy about redoing the pattie today, but the gal from the extension office that was supposed to go with me canceled again. I'm rather irritated because i have a feeling i need to do this really soon, like as soon as the weather breaks and i want to be prepared. I missed my chance in the fall and i can't afford to miss it again.
Light rain all day today, then snow starting tonight, could be as much as 10". Crazy weather!


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
Reaction score
Fallston, MD
yesterday did not stay out good, but finished up great.
i actually got a text that they sit down the office. I was a bit surprised since he didn't even delay for the ice last week. I stopped running around at a frantic pace since i didn't have to be out the door in the snow. Well, Bear decoded he couldn't hold it anymore, which really want his fault since the bf decided he didn't feel like taking them out the night before. The dog peed all the way down the hall and all the way around the corner into his create, and got his bed very wet. So i finished getting dressed in a hurry and got the dogs out in the snow, did my morning chores, and then brought them back in. This brands new bed of bears is huge and says washable, but you have to wash the whole thing, stuffing and all. So into the bathtub it went with a whole lot of Vinegar and some other cleaners. And i attempted to agitate it in the tub then rinse it out, which sort of worked. I managed to smash it in the dryer for a bit, then draped it over the tack in the living room in front of the stove to finish drying. The dog is probably wondering why his bed is still up on the tack on a table in the middle of the room.
After i finished that, i hot a call from my god fringed H who moved to TX. That totally redeemed my morning.
I putzed around the house cleaning up, and then got a text from the bf that they were closing down his work too. I kept trying to get some things done before he got home and then we ate lunch when he got home about 1. It was still snowing at this point....
we worked on organizing the office room some more in prep for getting the furniture from my parents, and then finally the snow stopped so we headed outside. He cleared around the barn with the snow blower and then i feed the hoses. The bad thing is that the gate latch kept freezing shut. I have a one handed latch, but it doesn't work so well when water gets in it and is 10 degrees (or 2 like it is right now...) so we had to get the torch and then keep undressing it because it was freezing so quickly i had to do it every time i opened the gate with each horse.
I finished with that and by then our landlord was plowing the driveway and so we have him the rent checks and he plowed around or vehicles. I got my truck cleared and the bf used the snow blower to clear the entire parking area which was really nice. We shouldn't have any problems getting out, of course this will probably be one of the shortest lived storms since next week is supposed to hit the 50s. I'm not going to know what to wear!
I made dinner, sausage egg and spinach burritos with enough to freeze to have quick breakfasts. Very pleased with that.
I need to get going if I'm going to get chores done and then get ready to head to the expo to work. I'm going to yoga this morning for sure! I need it after all the physical work this week!


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
Reaction score
Fallston, MD
The weekend at the expo was good for the most part. I got paid $10/hr to sit in a little box that was about 6' feet square, barely, with the small 1' windows and sell tickets. 6 hours Friday, 11 hips Saturday, and 8 hours Sunday. Good thing I'm not claustrophobic! I could get someone to come give me breaks if i had to, but i had to time it carefully because if they were busy then i couldn't go if they weren't available. I had knitting with me, and some books, so i read and knitted when it was quite, which was frequently. Saturday was the busy day, i had a long line for a little while, which was good. Sunday want so busy, i think the sun and warmer temps meant everybody choose to stay outside.
Having daylight savings time kick in right in the middle of it after the longest day was not cool. I'm exhausted today, and luckily switched my work schedule around completely so I am home today and Thursday. I have some stuff to do Thursday, anyway, so this works best. Plus it's supposed to rain all the days I'll be in the office, and be sunny mon and Thursday. I can use a little vitamin D therapy! Of course this is all coming along with the mud....
i need to get kicking this morning. Things to clean up and the horse needs to be worked and brushed and i need to make a grocery run. Wheee


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
Reaction score
Fallston, MD
Lol, Britsea, nope!
Trying to catch up. I've got a run around like crazy day, but hopefully it will be productive. I've got a number of things to do, and a number of things I'd like to do. So hopefully i can accomplish both!
One thing is for sure... if I don't get off my butt none of it will happen!


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
Reaction score
Fallston, MD
Hopping on for a quick update. I've got lots to do, and not a lot of time to do it. But what else is new.
It's been busy, but yall probably already knew that. I went in to the office on Saturday to help with the server install and ended up there for 7 hours. Extra money is a good thing. Gonna be a long pay period plus the extra 7 hours, much needed!
Sunday we had dinner with the friends that we helped move a few months back. They gave us thank you gifts, me, a small table that is like one that me ex took when we split, and the bf got an antique rifle that is really lovely. We were both so surprised!
Yesterday was a busy day in the office getting everything smoothed over from the server transfer. The Internet want working when we got there, and everyone was freaking out. I simply unplugged it, plugged it back in, and it was fine. It's like chicken little when anything isn't like the ordinary, i swear.
Today i had a spur of the moment appointment to get storm's teeth done At 8:30. The dentist i found would actually sedate himself, which i was glad for since i really wanted to get it done this week before JS is here on Saturday to do body work. The guy was really nice, and got started to see what he could do, and storm behaved himself the whole time. I was thrilled! Saved me $20! I put him or and he was yawning and relaxing again, which made me so happy.
I worked Othello for the first time in several weeks, and he did great. I put the bridle on with the long lines for the first time, and that was different for him. He did well, he just struggled.
I finally say down to eat breakfast. I need to get some dusting done, and more picking up, and possibly some vacuuming. The dogs desperately need to be brushed, I'm going to try to do that outside where it will all just blow away, and maybe some bird can use it for a nest.
One thing is for sure, if i don't get moving, it won't get done!
Oh, and happy st Patrick's day!

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