hqueen's collection of Far From the Usual stuff.


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
Reaction score
Hope you make lotsa cash at the sale....and if you do....you might need to shop for NEW winter stuff since yours is all packed away! :)


Rest in Peace 1980-2020
Aug 17, 2013
Reaction score
Keeping fingers crossed for you for that property :fl :hugs


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
Reaction score
Fallston, MD
Well, it's been a bumpy ride, but we're doing ok.

I think whatever property I was talking about didn't work out. They're coming and going so fast now that it's getting difficult to remember which is which and which ones I've talked about!

There is some good news though. Cowboy and Coyote's owners offered for me to stay in their basement rent free for as long as I need to as long as I feed the horses when they're away. That's a no brainer. The other animals will have to go live with the BF at his mom's house with him. He's welcome to stay with me when they're away, but he can't stay while they're home (which is seriously almost never, so yeah). So we'll each have places to stay rent free. And between all the options we should have space to store almost all of our stuff without paying for it, too, so that's really good news. I checked in with TW about keeping Storm, and that may not work out (which stinks because I could walk from Cowboy and Coyote's property onto her property so that would have been SO easy!!), but I have to talk to her a little more in depth to see if we can work something out. She may need to help out another friend, and I'm thinking we might be able to work it out to help all of us. Hopefully I can talk to her soon about it though.
We have another opportunity on the burner, but we're trying to figure out a work around to see if we can make it happen anyway. We need to come up with some cold hard cash quick in order to make it happen, but I think we can do it if we're really serious about managing the money. I need to get the budget reorganized again since he got paid and we've had some expenses that we've paid out. Hopefully I can do that tonight or tomorrow.

There is SO much to do now that I'm feeling really overwhelmed. I'm juggling the struggle of doing as much work as possible to generate income vs spending the time packing and preparing. Honestly, any way to bring in extra money at this point in time is really important! So now I'm trying to figure out what else I can sell to bring in the money that we need. I need to list our hay feeder for sale now and get that gone and cash in hand. I've got several other things that are waiting to be sold that I need to figure out what to list them for and how to get rid of them fast. That reminds me I need to do research on selling my flute, too.... Not wanting to haul this stuff is the combined motivation for getting stuff sold as well!

Fun times.... I'm ready to move on and up!!!


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
Reaction score
Woo Hoo! Sounds like some things are finally falling into place. Maybe not exactly what you want right now - but at least you have options. Good luck on the money thing. Why do things have to be so complicated? ARGH! But, fingers crossed that things continue to look better for you!


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
Reaction score
Fallston, MD
Well, we're under contract on a house and 2.5 acres. We still have to come up with the cash, so we're scrambling to try to figure out how to make that happen. We need about 5k that we really haven't had in order to make this work. And we're under contract, so we have to make it work.

The house is cute, brick, 3 bedrooms, 1.5 baths, a rancher with a walk out basement. The property is narrow and long, but just enough room to squish the horse on it. I'll have to get him a companion of some kind, and I'm debating about whether to get another full sized horse or a pony. Technically a pony would be more "legal" but a full sized horse would be easier to manage, and likely come with less issues than a pony comes with. I'd like to be able to ride whatever I get, too, anyway. The house has potential, and is a perfectly taken care of home that was built by the man that had it, he passed away, but his 3 daughters who were raised in the house still live on the same street. It's a small dead end road with older homes so it's quiet, and it's less than a minute away from the major highway (that's both good and bad). It's further than I want to be from the area where we've been living, but it will work, and I think we'll be happy there. I'm slowly coming to grips with the real reality of the things we're not going to have. The stars will not be as bright there as they are there. I will miss the wide open space of our farm (100 acres kind of spoils you). But this is a stepping stone. It will sell for more than we purchased it for, especially if we put a little money into it and add a second full bath (there's room to subdivide the one bath and squeeze in a 2nd, especially if we only put a shower into one of the 2). So that's good news.

The home inspection is today, the septic inspection is on Monday. So this is going forward whether we like it or not. We have our meeting with the housing advisor so that we can get the grant stuff squared away tomorrow.

The part I'm not looking forward to is moving alllll this crap, and then having to move it again in a month! We have to be out of here by the end of the month, and closing won't be until the end of Nov. I'm grateful that we found a place to stay for free though. The only missing piece is where Storm will go, I haven't gotten to talk to my one friend, and she said that she might not be able to take him after telling me she could so I hope that I can find somewhere to keep him that will let me keep him there for free. We'll see what comes through. He'll probably have to stay through the winter where ever he is because we have to put in fencing and some kind of shelter.

So that's about all there is at the moment...


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
Reaction score
Hallelujah! :fl Hoping that will work out for you. The place sounds awesome. I have 2.5 acres, but thankfully my neighbor lets me use his back acreage too so that I can stuff more animals than I should have on to all of it, lol. I was hoping you could get Storm there quickly - but understand about building fences.

I'm really pulling for ya!


Rest in Peace 1980-2020
Aug 17, 2013
Reaction score
It sounds like things are working out well for you guys! Fingers crossed everything went smoothly since your last update.


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
Reaction score
Fallston, MD
Thanks FEM & Sumi!!

Well, nothing has happened that's an issue yet anyway. Now we're trying to figure out where the heck we're going to stuff an entire 3 bedroom house worth of stuff for a month. I think we're going to have to get a storage unit. There's no way around it I don't think. Hopefully we can find a good deal on the ones that are really close to the new house, there's a storage place about a mile or so down the road from the new house. That would be ideal for moving in!

Not much has changed. Sold more stuff. Attempted to pack more stuff. Haven't packed near as much as I want to yet. But things are coming along. We have exactly 2 weeks from today to be out. Most (not quite all) of the non-important stuff is packed. We're down to the awkward and the stuff we use frequently. The annoying crap that's hard to pack. I still need to make a run to my consignment shop, and I need to stop by goodwill. I have a few more things to list for sale. The mini chicken coop went up for sale yesterday, and I'll list the hay feeder when I get home today. I thought I had more photos of it, but it turns out that I don't.

Some time this week I'll swing by TSC and get shavings to put down in the chicken coop at SR's farm so that I can move the chickens. That will be one less thing to take care of right now. Hopefully the chicken coop can get moved to my realtor's house so that it can sit there until after closing so we can get it installed. I'm keeping my chickens dammit. (The BF isn't thrilled about that, but whatever, I don't care).

Arrangements are almost together to get Storm moved, I still don't know where he's going yet. I keep forgetting to call my friend TW to talk to her about what options we can figure out. I do need to ask another friend about boarding where her horse is, but I expect that it will be more expensive than I'd like, but we'll see.

JS was here this weekend, so I didn't get near the amount of stuff done that I really need to, but I got some other things done so it was ok. I think we'll pull all this together just fine, but it's the not knowing that's the challenging part, and the needing to do things anyway even though we don't exactly know.

Yesterday evening I helped the BF in the shed to get quite a bit of his stuff organized. He's got a long way to go, but at least it's a start. We got some boxes and just started sorting into categories. He'll have to repack the boxes, and will probably re-organize some of them anyway, but at least now you can walk around in there and move a little. When we started the floor was just covered in crap he'd just walked in and dropped. Now you can move around AND get to the workbench counter top. So that's progress. We just have to keep chipping away at it.

So. That's about all there is to update.
Well, except for the weather. Holy 36 degrees this morning batman!!!! It was only in the upper 50's with a stiff breeze yesterday, and then the temp dropped overnight. I've been freezing all morning just because it's that cold. Today's high is just 60, and then we climb just a little bit through the rest of the week. I'm glad that because it makes moving easy for sure.


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
Reaction score
Dang - better ya'll get that weather than me, lol. It's 50'ish this morning and my toes are cold. Course I should put on real shoes and that might help, lol.

Sounds like things are coming together for ya - how exciting! Here's hoping that everything keeps gliding into place and that you'll be settled soon! :)


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
Reaction score
Fallston, MD
:lol: Real shoes, FEM! That's hilarious!!!

Well, I've accomplished a few things while in the office today (other than writing to yall.... LOL). I called a few storage unit places, and found one that's half way between here and the new house that has a deal, they prorate the month you come in (so at this point that's half price) then the first full month is $7. Then they'll prorate up to the first 5 days of the month... So we can have a 10x20 storage unit for under $150 through the 5th of Dec. THAT WORKS. Everything else is closer to $170++++. I love a good deal!!

I also just called Verizon to cancel the Fios service. There isn't FIOS at the new house, but yet because they do offer "regular" phone service, they're charging me a $90 cancellation fee because I "could" get the phone service. I told the lady but it's not even the same service that you were offering me... it's a land line not the fiber optic service. So it's not the same. She wouldn't budge. Very annoying, but at least that's done and one less bill I'll have to pay (I'm probably not paying all of that $90 in one shot, sorry, but you'll get your money when I get to it).

So there's a few things checked off the list. Hopefully I can keep checking off more! And here's to good deals!