HR 45 Blair Holt Firearm Liscencing & Record of Sales Act of 2009


Lovin' The Homestead
Jun 13, 2009
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Hmmm, I do think there need to be stricter gun control laws, simply because there seem to be a few school shootings that happen and it seems like almost anyone can get a hold of a gun.

I wouldn't think anyone should have a gun unless they need it as a sport or to control preditors (not the human ones) on farming land.

I am not anti guns but the laws herre are probably stricter than what your list was proposing as we have very few shootings the ones that are are mostly accidental. Crims do still get hold of guns there will always be black markets.

I do agree than humans kill not guns though which is why it should be a little stricter so people who are a little unstable can't get ahold of them.
Jan 24, 2009
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justusnak said:
We have a small local sports store here. I was talking to the guy at the feed mill...he goes there for ALL his ammo. He was telling me the other day...the owner of the sports store, put in an order for $4,500 worth of ammo. You know what they sent him?? 3 boxes. NOT cases...3 small personal purchase, boxes. Makes a person wonder......
Hoarding. I bet you see some more Ruby Ridge type stuff go down. The Feds get concerned when someone has enough ammo to wage a war at their house.
Jan 24, 2009
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Lovechooks said:
Hmmm, I do think there need to be stricter gun control laws, simply because there seem to be a few school shootings that happen and it seems like almost anyone can get a hold of a gun.

I wouldn't think anyone should have a gun unless they need it as a sport or to control preditors (not the human ones) on farming land.

I am not anti guns but the laws herre are probably stricter than what your list was proposing as we have very few shootings the ones that are are mostly accidental. Crims do still get hold of guns there will always be black markets.

I do agree than humans kill not guns though which is why it should be a little stricter so people who are a little unstable can't get ahold of them.
I would like to see stricter laws on gun storage. They should include criminal charges for people that allow access to their guns to their kids who then shoot themselves or their friends or their favorite teacher. Insecure storage is also where most of the black market guns come from.


Sustainable Newbie
Mar 19, 2009
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Temecula, Ca.
A topic dear to my heart.

I oppose registration of small arms for a reason seldom stated. It isn't the government I fear having access to that information it's the people that work for the government. Just look at all the illegal records checks conducted on Tom Brady or any other celebrity by Police. I wouldn't want any agency and it's flawed personnel having access to what is kept in my house. Just a recipe to be sold to burglars, and eventually even a fireproof safe fails.

However I am in favor of gun owners being punished for their lack of culpability in protecting their weapons from criminals. I know way too many people with children that keep a shotgun on the top shelf of the closet. Just like owning a vicious dog, if that weapon gets out and is misused due to negligent ownership then the owner deserves to be punished.

On a side note, I bought 40k rounds of 12 gauge ammo back in the 90's and with ammunition prices skyrocketing its a shame I can't legally sell it now.


Cold is on the Right, Hot is on The Left
Sep 12, 2008
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Well, I don't agree with punishing people because their kids got their hands on a gun.

We take our kids hunting. We've been teaching them gun safety and handling since they were old enough to understand what a gun is. When my son shot his first deer, his dad handed him the gun. I guess my husband should be punished for allowing him access since he could have accidentally shot himself.

Kids get into places where they shouldn't. Guns could be in a locked cabinet, but I bet if that kid wanted in bad enough he'd find the key!

Parents try to do the best they can by their kids, but we can't control their every move.

You know, tell someone they can't have something or touch something, and usually the first thing they are going to do is try to get that something.


Late For Supper
Jan 6, 2009
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Boltstrikes said:
On a side note, I bought 40k rounds of 12 gauge ammo back in the 90's and with ammunition prices skyrocketing its a shame I can't legally sell it now.
You can legally sell it. Why would you think otherwise?
Jan 24, 2009
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Boltstrikes said:
A topic dear to my heart.

I oppose registration of small arms for a reason seldom stated. It isn't the government I fear having access to that information it's the people that work for the government. Just look at all the illegal records checks conducted on Tom Brady or any other celebrity by Police. I wouldn't want any agency and it's flawed personnel having access to what is kept in my house. Just a recipe to be sold to burglars, and eventually even a fireproof safe fails.

However I am in favor of gun owners being punished for their lack of culpability in protecting their weapons from criminals. I know way too many people with children that keep a shotgun on the top shelf of the closet. Just like owning a vicious dog, if that weapon gets out and is misused due to negligent ownership then the owner deserves to be punished.

On a side note, I bought 40k rounds of 12 gauge ammo back in the 90's and with ammunition prices skyrocketing its a shame I can't legally sell it now.
Can't you sell it at a gun show? I agree with you 100% about the negligence part. A good gun safe is expensive, but should be a requirement. I know that in the movies people pull 500# gun safes that are bolted to concrete out of houses but that's in the movies. In real life it would stop 99.9% of the criminals. Like they say when guns are outlawed only outlaws will have the guns they stole from law abiding negligent people. I hope anyone that doesn't secure their guns because the kids will just find a way to get them anyway doesn't have to go through the heartbreak of their kid shooting themselves by accident. If my child was ever shot by a neighbors kid that got hold of dads unsecured gun, that Dad would be in prison and I would own him. If that didn't happen I would find a way to make him pay dearly for his negligence and cavalier attitude about the safety of my children.


Sustainable Newbie
Mar 19, 2009
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Temecula, Ca.
SKR8PN said:
Boltstrikes said:
On a side note, I bought 40k rounds of 12 gauge ammo back in the 90's and with ammunition prices skyrocketing its a shame I can't legally sell it now.
You can legally sell it. Why would you think otherwise?
I was under the impression you needed a FFL to do anything other then sell it to a buddy. I'd like to reduce it down to about 10k rounds, that is still more then I need for the rest of my life.

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