big brown horse
Hoof In Mouth
CUTE!!!keljonma said:We have feeders set up by the kitchen window (1), by the back slider door and patio (2) and on the front porch (3). Sometimes all the feeders are full of birds. Sometimes there is a lot of 'star wars' like zipping going on...because they are very territorial.sylvie said:OK, totally dumb question; how can you tell them apart to know how many have visited? I watch them when my Monarda is blooming and can tell male from female but not much more than that.
I've only seen ruby throated here.
At the end of the day, we try to take a few moments to watch them and their antics. Last year I got chilly and put on my red sweater. I was sitting on the porch swing next to some cardinal flowers. With all that red, I sure confused one little lady, insisted on checking out my arm.![]()
We got em. Green ones and reddish orange ones-all over their body! I am not from here so I don't know what they are called.
They come out late afternoon and evenings "Its hummer time!".