hunterjumper999- This garden stuff is getting easier !


Enjoys Recycling
Jan 17, 2010
Reaction score
exactly what I was looking for!

Update for the day...

I quit. I'm soooo tired of being up beat and positive that tomorrow im just going to do what i have to do so that i can wake up on thursday and be back in control.

I got home to find my 6 month owned 'rescue' duck from the flea market( Jumbo pekin) dead by the water spigot ( and next to where I had put out my dog hailey- who is a very drivey pit bull who we manage very very closely around the chickens/cats). she looks to have grabbed and snapped her neck and released. . . i buried her in the garden and put a rosebush on top of her.

I NEVER leave the dogs out unattended on their runners... but.... i've been so busy the dogs gotten all of 3 hours outside a day so i felt bad and thought I'd be quicker than i was ( i was out for 4 hours). I guess you live and learn but my poor poor Daphnie.

sigh. i can't even figure out how to get into it all in this journal. its a tiny smidgen of everything i guess.

my inlaws are very IN our relationship. when they are OUT it's wonderful. then they return and we bicker and argue over nothing at all because neither of us wants them there. they are WONDERFUL people, once a week. But they tend to take advantage of our generousity.

my labs skin problems are back... its allergies and unless i can seal her in a bubble there is nothing i can do. I'm going to try benadryll tomorrow but i do not believe in medicating something that is a natural body reaction. I'll keep doing what I did last year ( which was bathing her in bakingsoda and water and oatmeal powder and water vs. soap) and try to keep her inside more than she'd like. The oatmeal was great last year..i'd mix it up in the tub, like for yourself and let her stand in it and cup it over her... then i'd just put her out to dry... and the oatmeal doesnt hurt her if it dries on her.

my house is a disaster area. I had a job to do with my FIL last month ( m-f from 7am-5pm then come home and cook dinner and get clothes washed and animals fed, bed at 11 and restart) so my house got BAD. I did the bedroom and hallway but have to tackle the rest tomorrow. I'm MAKING myself stay home. FIL signed us up for another job starting tomorrow but quite frankly I dont want to do it and im not going to. School starts up again in 3 weeks and I have got to get everything in working order so that I can devote half of my housewife time to classes and not have the above happen again.

Projects on my plate for the near future:

put a roof on my coop and a door with a run so that my dairy goat can go in with the chickens.

section off an area of 'turnout' for the goat so she can get used to the horse ( and vice virsa)

clean hallway , guest room, office, bathroom , living room and kitchen

paint dining room and clean

power wash decks and stain

plant all of our flowers and veggies ( 144 flower seedlings) ( 368 veggie plants) obviously thinning numbers quite a bit!

clean coop out

clean brooder for chicks coming next week

eh. its not so bad. it's alot on my plate but hopefully next year i'll be well on my way to having it all undercontrol and managed!

this time next year I'll be working ( hopefully 7p-7a) three - four nights a week and 'playing' housewife-farmer the rest of the time.

eta.... the "jobs" fil finds are not paid. this particular one is in exchange for another dog to add to our kennel. Quite frankly i dont need/want another mouth to feed expecially since training is slowing up due to school ( we train/show obedience and hopefully dockdogs next summer). PLUS he now is talking to the guy about branching into another BREED alltogether! phhhhhh!


City Biddy
Aug 6, 2008
Reaction score
Missouri USA
So sorry to here about your loss. :hugs My D1 lost her favorite African goose, Clark the same way.

I know what you mean about dog allergies too. Years ago we had a German Shepherd with such terrible allergies that she would go bald and loose so much weight it was horrible. She got progressively worse every year no matter what we tried. We eventually had her put to sleep because she was SO miserable. :(


Enjoys Recycling
Jan 17, 2010
Reaction score
Lots going on in our world

We sold the dairy goats... they were WONDERFUL girls but there was just too much going on! The garden is DEAD because our house sitter didn't water during the hottest week so far. I've got a couple of kids coming tomorrow who are going to weed it out and re till for us in exchange for six meaties and a pair of silkies. . . birds that i had to rehome anyway.

Ducks are expoding around here- two broody hens and 5 4 week olds, 3 8 week olds and the adults- we're at 11 now, with 22 eggs being set by the hens :)

Chicken land is doing well as well, i think were at :

2 6 week old pullets
1 5 month old hen
1 year old roo

2 roos
1 hen

Black Coppers
1 6 week old pullet ( x your fingers)
1 year old roo

4 year old hens
1 6 week old roo

Sex link-
2 hens

1 hen
5 pullets ( i NEEd to go pick up from my friend lol, she's had them for a month!)

Hopefully we'll get the individual coops built as i think one of my hens is eating the eggs!

Dogs are doing well. bee is just coming into her 2nd heat... wether or not Capone will be able to do the deed at 7 months is anyones guess but since he ate the wall dividing the kennels we're going to leave them be ( can't afford to fix the fencing yet anyway)

Everything ( inlaws aside!) is just grand here on the funny farm.


Enjoys Recycling
Jan 17, 2010
Reaction score
I'm so excited... we spent the day from about 930 am till about 830 pm in the yard/garden except for a breif outing to eat chineese food and to buy plants :)

the garden was a total mess since my BIL did not water it or weed or pick while we were gone for almost two weeks.

We had to pull dead tomatoes off the ten or so plants. I'm leaving them in hoping that they will come back but they are dark green/brown so im doubtfull... we'll see maybe we can coax them back!

We also gave up on most of the squash. the grass had grown up around them ( or hay? ) so much they were just too tangled and the roots were totally tangeled up in the hay roots. we weedwhacked and tilled, hopefully i can plant some cool weather crops later on if we can kill the grass.

The melons are doing well. their hay growth was alot smaller so were letting them brave the hay grass ... i think they will do fine.

we purchased four tomato plants, two which had 3 actual stems so we planted those... thats 8 plants... i got two heat tolerant ones, a striped hybrid and a roma... hopefully we can get some fruit this season..

I got replacement peppers as well, just some red and orange bells. the jalapenos are doing well behind the kennel ... don't ask , i think its the water run off the cleaning produces... we've been calling them poopers and im not sure if we can actually eat them lol.

Tina worked on the flower bed, but its a sad affair. it sucks wanting beautiful landscaping and being broke... :(

I'll update the pictures ...




big change from :