Yard Farmer
I was thinking maybe gas too. My 6 yo will have that problem and I used to as a kid. I'm so glad he's better today.scrambledmess said:Just a word of warning, Pepto has aspirin as one of its ingredients. You do not want to give aspirin to a child who may have a virus. Better to never give aspirin to children for any ailments. Aspirin mixed with a virus can cause Reye's Syndrome: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reye_syndrome
I have a child who whenever he has gas or needs to have a bowel movement, his belly really hurts. I have taken him to the ER (yes me the ER nurse) twice because of how much pain he was in. If your little one was okay this morning, he probably just had gas. Poor little guy. Next time, try to have him point to where the pain is. Over the course of an hour or so, if the pain moves, it is probably just gas or him needed to have a bm. If the pain stays in one place (especially the lower right side) and increases or suddenly goes away, has fever, nausea/vomiting, you might want to have him further evaluated.
Glad he was feeling better!
I can vouch for the aspirin in Pepto thing. I'm allergic to aspirin (anaphlyaxis) and once my mom gave me Pepto for a tummy ache not realizing. I didn't keep it down for more than a minute! Luckily my body recognized it as toxic before I stopped breathing.