Mountain Sage
Around here WM is a big employer and provides jobs, starting at $10 or so, that pays more than any of the other local businesses in town. Their prices are cheaper than the other groceries and this helps folks afford their foods and clothing that they could not otherwise afford.
We don't have neat things like Salvation Army or other second hand stores here, so if you can't find it at the Family Dollar, WM is the only option.
WM might be the big, baddy to all you folks who are upwardly mobile and live where there are options, but to some country folks there aren't many choices. No farmer's markets in which to "buy local", no butcher, baker or candle stick maker in these small towns.....just dollar stores and WM.
I don't think it's a bit of hypocrisy to live a SS life and shop at Walmart....we all live this kind of lifestyle for a different reason and mine is not to make some political, environmental, socioeconomic statement. I live it because I must, it makes me happy and it suits me.
Walmart is just a place I visit once a month for some necessary purchases, just like Family Dollar and the local hardware.
Note: I've always wondered why folks live in places where you have to make over $120,000 to survive and actually stay there and continue to struggle. We make lower wages in the country, but we also have lower cost of living and more options to save money.
I know, I know...we can't all live in the country...but I would rather live in some shack in the country than work three jobs and never see the light at the end of the tunnel. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over, expecting different results.
We don't have neat things like Salvation Army or other second hand stores here, so if you can't find it at the Family Dollar, WM is the only option.
WM might be the big, baddy to all you folks who are upwardly mobile and live where there are options, but to some country folks there aren't many choices. No farmer's markets in which to "buy local", no butcher, baker or candle stick maker in these small towns.....just dollar stores and WM.
I don't think it's a bit of hypocrisy to live a SS life and shop at Walmart....we all live this kind of lifestyle for a different reason and mine is not to make some political, environmental, socioeconomic statement. I live it because I must, it makes me happy and it suits me.
Walmart is just a place I visit once a month for some necessary purchases, just like Family Dollar and the local hardware.
Note: I've always wondered why folks live in places where you have to make over $120,000 to survive and actually stay there and continue to struggle. We make lower wages in the country, but we also have lower cost of living and more options to save money.
I know, I know...we can't all live in the country...but I would rather live in some shack in the country than work three jobs and never see the light at the end of the tunnel. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over, expecting different results.