Oh you'll love ducks!! Don't get pekins! Well, don't get pekins if you want quiet ducks LOL they are the loudest ducks (the females) I ever had. We sold them off pretty quick.
My runner ducks are the most quiet. My rouens are nearly as loud the pekins, but I'm telling you, the pekins were awful!!
Now my mallards (the male anyway) are the friendliest, but they all come running when they see my coming with food!
Oh I'll post pics!! The eggs won't be shipped until Monday or Tuesday, so this next week is going to be looooooooong for me...good thing I have 36 mutt eggs ready for my 'bator to keep me occupied!!
Ooopps there I go again with staggered hatches!
I think the Wellies are going to go in my second 'bator all by themselves. Those ones are my new pet project, so they'll need to be "alone" and bake by themselves!! HAHAHA
To top it off, the local feedstore where I get my feed said I can bring my chicks down when they are hatched and sell them from their door! (I sell them, not the feedstore) I told DH I'll sell the mutt chicks for $1 each as people locally here are always looking for chicks! and they don't really care if they are pure if they just want them for a backyard flock or eating!! Sooooo E said if I can fill the 'bators and keep hatching and selling the chicks to go right ahead!
Woot!!! Congrats on the beautiful chicks you have coming. I think Welsummers are just gorgeous....but then I guess I like most chicks. I want ducks too! And turkeys!!! Love them Cayuga ducks and runner ducks and Campbells...... Want some Naragansetts.....(sigh)
I love my wellies!! They lay pretty eggs even if they're not as dark as they should be (according to some). My girls are hatchery birds. I bet yours will be just gorgeous!!
You know, H23, almost all of my current flock are hatchery stock, with the expception of the fab 5 from keljonma and the few I hatched out myself. I have some very pretty birds from the hatchery!
I did think about ordering Wellies from the hatchery, but since I decided that this was going to be THE breed I focus on, I chose to start with eggs from private breeders. I am on a waiting list to get some more Welsummers eggs in March from proven Show Quality Welsummers. With the eggs I've on the way, by the end of the year I should have a nice flock of Wellies with 3 different bloodlines.