Sustainability Master
Sorry it came to this, but good luck in your new venture. Might be more of us joining you due to this stock market decline...
i'm glad to say that i don't really follow the hype or day-to-day news. i've studied the market quite a lot over the life time i've been working, investing and saving along with when i retired from my main job many years ago (about 30yrs earlier than most people would consider it). it goes up and down. just hold to your longer-term plan of investing and that should mean you are buying more when the market is down if you are regularly investing.
i have worked part-time and a bit of full-time too, but eventually they became wrong for me so i quit those. in the future i might go back to part-time again, but at the moment things are ok with me doing what i love to do here. gardens, puttering about and whatnot.