I am worried....


Super Self-Sufficient
Jul 21, 2008
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Kindergarten makes a whole new kid also. They learn so much and have so much fun that they seem like a new kid was dropped off at your door...lol

Nicole just turned 6 and still sucks her thumb at night or in the car when extremely tired. No biggie. They all grow out of this stuff.

Your kiddo will do fine! She will enjoy kindergarten and she will learn....Nicole learned so much in pre-school when she hit kindergarten the teacher said she should be in first grade LOL

Most kids jsut absorb the learning and vault so far ahead all of the sudden and I am sure your child will do the same!!


Yard Farmer
Oct 13, 2008
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Eastern CT
moneysavingmomma said:
Well i am so glad to know that I am not alone. DD is still refusing to do it as of tonight. I am just at my whits end that she is going to go to school and not know these things. I still have a year to go before I have to worry really I guess. She will be almost 5 1/2 before she can start school here. Thought about homeschool but not so sure I have the patience to do that.

P.S. My dd sucks her thunb still. Only at when she is tired or mad but I have tried everything in this area known to man and nothing has stopped her yet.
DS is 9 and down to only sucking his thumb as he falls asleep. His dentist tried to tell me I should wrap his arm in an ace bandage so he couldn't bend his elbow. Yes, he's going to need braces. He probably would have anyway. But there was no way I was going to do that to him! Abusive in my opinion... There are expensive guards that you can have them wear at night but I still haven't gotten one.

In our situation, despite the great relationship I have with our son, the truth is, he just plain learns better when someone else is teaching him. Peer pressure does a lot too. (It can be a positive!) I have great respect for those who home school and do it well. But there was no way it would have worked for us!


Lovin' The Homestead
Apr 13, 2011
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35 NW of Green Bay, WI
I wouldn't worry about your 4YO. My 4 YO is also driving me batty, but in a different way. Refuses to work on her letters, but wants to do words. So, 50x a day, I get, "Mom, how do you spell......" So, I spell it to her and as she's writing it, she looks at the letters on the wall and asks, "I igloo?" My kid is going to go to school this fall and not have the same pictures on the letters at school and be lost. :p

She also makes all her letters backwards - she starts from the bottom, instead of the top (which kinda makes sense in a weird way, easier to judge where it's supposed to line up with lines on the paper.) And when she counts, she ALWAYS misses 5 and 15 - obviously, those numbers aren't important. (huh, just thought of this...my 8YO alwasy missed those numbers when she was learning her numbers, too) :lol: My husband must have given them a genetic defect that makes them miss the number 5! ;)

Honestly, 4's are weird from the word go and you never know what you're going to get out of them. Case in point, the neighbor's 4 and my 4 were outside playing this week, and they were "huntin rabbits" from hulu hoops. I'm still not sure how that worked!

country freedom

Lovin' The Homestead
Jul 12, 2008
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Please don't worry about how fast your little one is learning, that will come in good time.
Just make learning fun and teach her to be creative - that will allow her to want to learn more.

On another note - I have 3 younger sisters - we are all in our 40's - my third youngest sister still sucks her thumb - when she's alone or around me.

I have a neice who is in her 30's - still sucking her thumb - when she's alone or around me.

Others tend to make this public by openly teasing them in front of others. Doing this just makes them feel ashamed and causes them to be very secretive about it.

I'd rather any of my children suck their thumbs than to get addicted to something else for comfort.


Always doing laundry
Oct 31, 2008
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I wouldn't worry about it either. My DD just turned 4 and says "I don't know how to do it" all the time. She just wants to be silly all the time. It's one of the things that worries me about sending my children to public school, they are all "supposed" to learn things at certain times and it just doesn't work out that way all the time.

It is so unfair to compare chidren to each other because people all do things differently and at their own pace.

My son (who we homeschooled for K) doesn't want to read, even though he can, and my BF's little girl (who is 9 days younger) is reading to all the classrooms in the school. The point is that they are two different children with two different learning styles and abilities yet they are expected to "perform" the same way. I worry about my son being in public school because he might end up being labeled as "slow" if he doesn't perform at the same level as everyone else.

Anyway, at age 4 they are still really silly. I wouldn't worry about it and I wouldn't push her or she may just do it just to spite you. :p


Always doing laundry
Oct 31, 2008
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My 5 yr old spent a month insisting that he was NOT going to turn 6. :lol:


Jun 18, 2009
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I am sorry if this offends anyone, but
OMG, SHE IS 4!!!!!

Let her do things her way, she is a kid. They don't have to be reading at 5.

I honestly think our society is pushing kids to fast to far. Let them be KIDS. Tell her to go find worms or something. I had every teacher mad at me because my kids didn't know ANYTHING in order when the entered kindergarten. "They are so far behind all the other kids". "Too bad" I thought. They are kids. Little kids at that. Now the oldest hold her own and the youngest blows away any kid in her grade. We all have different learning levels. Go with the flow and stop worrying. She will be fine.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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When my nephew was little, my sister and her hubby did all kinds of work w/their son so that he would be ready to start kindergarten. Well, he wasn't ready (September birthday), and had to wait another year. I did nothing w/my son, other than read to him. I never worked on his numbers w/him, never worked on the alphabet w/him, nothing. But, he was more than ready to start when it was time. Just sit back and relax and let her be a kid. She probably knows more than you give her credit for.

country freedom

Lovin' The Homestead
Jul 12, 2008
Reaction score
country freedom said:
Please don't worry about how fast your little one is learning, that will come in good time.
Just make learning fun and teach her to be creative - that will allow her to want to learn more.

On another note - I have 3 younger sisters - we are all in our 40's - my third youngest sister still sucks her thumb - when she's alone or around me.

I have a neice who is in her 30's - still sucking her thumb - when she's alone or around me.

Others tend to make this public by openly teasing them in front of others. Doing this just makes them feel ashamed and causes them to be very secretive about it.

I'd rather any of my children suck their thumbs than to get addicted to something else for comfort.
I have a 4 yr old Grandgirl, who loves to "write", on paper. Whenever she shows me what she has written, I look and tell her she's doing a good job. I point out every squiggly looking "letter" and write the letter on another piece of paper, with showing her the same letter in one of her storybooks. Now she can recognize and write her A, C, D, H, I, L, O, P, S, T, X by herself. Numbers that she knows on paper are 1, 2, 9, 0.

For children, learning should be play, not work......going at a pace they are comfortable at.
When play becomes work, it's no fun at all, and children become frustrated, grumpy, cranky, and they don't want to "play that way" anymore.

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