Mountain Sage
peckndirt said:I like to hunt but I have so many people hunting around and illegally on my property that I can't even let the children hunt anymore.I was shot with buck shot a couple of years ago by a trespasser and fired back ,when they kept shooting in my direction,and I was the one that almost got arrested.I'd say more but the words I'd like to use are not fit to print.

My dad used to have horrible problems with this and has been threatened several times on his own property. He is a bowhunter, so the gun hunters think he will back down if they point a gun at him. Fortunately he carries a derringer for emergencies. I always said, take a so-called hunter, cover it with blaze orange and add a little alcohol~instant a$$****!
A real hunter never, never trespasses, never shoots at anything that he can't see clearly, never shoots at a running target, and has permission before stepping foot on anyone's land. Everyone else is just an outlaw!