I got brand new storage units at yardsale.

the simple life

Yard Farmer
Jul 12, 2008
Reaction score
S.Weymouth, Massachusetts

I have been cleaning out and getting the basement ready for storing food and supplies for the winter.
I had been wondering what I would use down there for storage, I knew I would have to buy something.
So I ride past a yardsale today and I see these boxes with storage units in them and promptly turn around.
They were brand new, 6 feet tall and 31/2 wide, made of plastic (so no rust issues in the basement). They had shelves and double doors.
The guy said they got them and never got organized enough to use them.
These were pretty good size and will hold a decent amount. One of them will hold on the stuff I have canned and then some.
So $20.00 later I was on my way.
I was so happy to come across these. I knew when I finished the basement this week I would need to go out looking for something like this and I was actually kind of dreading it since this isn't exactly the kind of thing that is fun to shop for so this worked out great.
I will probably have to go out and get more later but this is a great start and all I need for right now.
There is a great workbench down there that came with the house and I could utilize that if need be.


Super Self-Sufficient
Jul 21, 2008
Reaction score
6 ft tall.....wow.....are you talking about like the Rubbermaid standing units with double doors and shelves in them? Something like that?

That is a great price! Now that is a sale I would have loved to get!!!

I don't have a pantry (which I would kill for) and am thinking of ways to also get more storage for things. I am looking into those Rubbermaid storage units that I mentioned above...but I don't like the price...LOL....maybe if I am lucky I might hit a deal! ya never know..LOL

good buy!


Lovin' The Homestead
Jul 13, 2008
Reaction score
WoW! That's is a great find! My parents just finished their garage and put some of the Rubbermaid kind (mentioned above) in, those are not cheap!

the simple life

Yard Farmer
Jul 12, 2008
Reaction score
S.Weymouth, Massachusetts
yup, it was a good deal for sure. Much better than what I would have bought at the store. I am assuming there are expensive so I would have bought something cheap and without doors and everything would have gotten all dusty and dirty...
I love that they have doors.
Karen, I hear you on the pantry, I love mine.
When I bought the house it had cabinets and counters in them.It also had some shelving going around the top. They didn't really match the old look of the house so we ripped them out, redid the walls and painted them a bright golden yellow and put antique jelly cupboards in them.
The color really shows off the different colors of the old cupboards.
Some people like to have all shelves in them and I thought I would too, but I found I like the cupboards better because your dishes and anything else you store in there doesn't get all dusty and it stays neater.
Either way you prefer, it is nice to have the space in the pantry.
The thing about my pantry is its in the part of the house where the floors slope the most so if you lose a matchbox car or rubber ball you know to go in the pantry and look under the cupboard in the left corner because thats where anything that rolls ends up.


Super Self-Sufficient
Jul 21, 2008
Reaction score
even though I am currently de-cluttering I love the farmhouse country look. All my cubbards and furniture reflects this...I just love that look!
Your pantry makes me jealous definitely!
LOL on the floors "with character"

Tony's parents are true farmers thru and thru and they have about 11 rental properties now they acquired.....all were single wide trailers with the exception of 2 old homes....one burned down about 3 years ago and all that is left standing is the chimney..no one hurt----but the last is near my 30 acres over at the farm and after many years I got to go thru it cause there was no one renting.......WOW--I walked into this disaster and only saw possiblities.....all the beams were so stout, ya know, like 1/2 cut oak trees, quite impressive---but rooms were small. and yes the floors sloped..LOL...but all I could see was the possibilities but I know it would take tons of money to restore to what I wanted..LOL..........Tony mentioned when we inherit that house and the 15 acres across from our 30----he said he would bulldoze the house...I said no way....I would love to make a country store from it and sell farm things.....but who knows, I might be so old that ain't happening..LOL

the simple life

Yard Farmer
Jul 12, 2008
Reaction score
S.Weymouth, Massachusetts
Its so true about the possiblities of the old homes.
My house needed so much work that it sat on the market for 2 years. I walked in and got as far as the first room, the kitchen and I knew I was home.
I knew right away I had to have this house.
I love it here.
I have spent the last 15 years doing something or other to this place and its really great.
You would never know its the same house.
I kept all the original and tore out what other people thought were improvments but were really disasters, like stucco walls in the bathroom.
Totally did not match. It took longer and alot more money to keep the historical features of the house but it was well worth it.
People who work on this place always try to get me to rip things out and replace them with vinyl and stuff like that, they just don't get it.
After we painted the house in the old colors people were literally knocking on my door at all times of the day to ask me what colors I used and who made my front door and shutters. My dad and my husband made that stuff and then I stained them, and I painted the house myself.
My husband hates to paint and I didn't want to wait for him to do it on his days off so did it myself, but people always assume he did it.People will see us in stores or will yell to us when they ride by the house and tell Bill that he did an awesome job painting the house.
He always looks at me and laughs because he know it annoys me that people assume only a guy can do that stuff.
I love doing stuff on the house. We are at the point where there isn't anything major left to do except making the carriage house into a family room..
Everything else is pretty minor compared to what we have already done.
I had all the electrical, plumbing andheating systems replaced and insulation put in.
You know what was in our walls for insulation?
Corn cobs and sticks. Nothing else. Can you imagine how cold it must have been here without heat?
No wonder my heating bill was outrageous.
There are a couple of fireplaces in the house, but still must have been cold.
I do love having a fireplace in my bedroom, it makes it very cozy.
Okay, well obviously I can ramble about my house all day, sorry about that. I am just so happy here.


Lovin' The Homestead
Jul 15, 2008
Reaction score
Apex, NC
Sounds like a good deal! I am sure it will fill up faster than you plan on!!

the simple life

Yard Farmer
Jul 12, 2008
Reaction score
S.Weymouth, Massachusetts
I know, I will definitely need more. Everything always seems like its enough and then you always end up needing more space.
I am at least glad that I have a place to store the stuff I have sitting in boxes. That alone makes it worth it.

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