Almost Self-Reliant
Goosey pals 

hee hee hee i tell folks that i can call the dogs back but they are on their own with the geese.... that cable guy had to run for his truck.. i told him....they've also decided that the back yard is for LOSERS and only want to hang out in the front yard next to the garage where the action is. they almost got the meter reader from the power company. he wasn't paying attention and ran up on them walking out to the meter and he got a pretty big surprise when Ricky started honking like his life depended on it.
now i need a sign that says "BEWARE OF ATTACK GEESE AND SISSY DOGS"
i'd really rather not either. i don't worm the chickens except for some pumpkin. but the idea of throat worms really kinda freaked me out....ohiofarmgirl said:as for wormer...i dont. never had to so.. hum.. dunno... but there is a guy over on BYC, goosedragon, who is The Man for all things geese.. very knowledgeable. i'm sure he'd know