Lovin' The Homestead
Composting alone won't remove pathogens anyway. That's why you aren't supposed to use compost that dog or cat feces has been added to in your vegetable garden. Vegetarian animals are usually considered "safe" as they are not consuming other animals that may carry diseases. Now if one of the bunnies has a cold or gets sick, I would not use the manure from that time in my garden at all just to be on the safe side.
The main reason for composting manure is to help reduce the amount of nitrogen so that you don't get nitrogen burn. As reinbeau mentioned, rabbit, goat and sheep manure tends to not have as high a nitrogen level.
The main reason for composting manure is to help reduce the amount of nitrogen so that you don't get nitrogen burn. As reinbeau mentioned, rabbit, goat and sheep manure tends to not have as high a nitrogen level.