I put in my notice today at work :s


Lovin' The Homestead
Sep 12, 2008
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Cassandra said:
Anyone want to buy a 19 year old college student? He eats a lot, but he would make a great door stop. ;)

I have the 17 year old model :rolleyes:

I had to quit 6 years ago when pregnant with my son due to complications, then after complications at and after birth I am still unable to go back. I started a small business at home that I hope to really get going this spring to help out and bring a little more money in as well has hoping to sell at farm market this summer. If your one here you probably already live with mainly the necessities, thats how we do it. Our only splurges are our satellite tv and internet.


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 12, 2008
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I am a flippin' basket case!

About two weeks before I put in my notice (but after I had warned Mr. C that I was going to put in my notice eventually) I began to have trouble sleeping at night.

For several nights in a row, I would only get 3 hours of sleep each night. During the holidays, my sleeping got very badly out of whack. We had several days off (two 4 day weekends in a row.) And while we were still busy with family get-togethers and holiday preparations, I did have more time at home than usual.

During that time, I was so tired that each time I sat down in a comfy chair for more than ten minutes, I would doze off. I didn't get any sleep during these little snoozes. I was still aware of everything that was going on around me, I was just... dozing.

On one of those Saturdays, I did end up sleeping most of the day, so I caught up on some of my lost sleep then.

This past Sunday night, I didn't sleep at all. And Monday at work, I was kind of ~crazy headed~

I'm still not sleeping much at night. Maybe three or four hours. I'll be dead tired, then as soon as my head hits the pillow I'm wide awake. I know it's my nerves, but that doesn't help me any. LOL

Mr. C has convinced me to stay on part time for at least a few months so we can get someone else thoroughly trained. I told him I could come in on the afternoons that my college son doesn't have any classes so he can babysit the little son.

Little son is counting the days until he doesn't have to go to 'school' anymore! Last weekend, I asked him if he wanted to tell his teachers he was going to stop coming to school at the end of the month. He said "No, you do it." I told him I would, but there was never time. Always when we were coming or going, the teachers would be with someone or everyone would be in a hurry.

But yesterday morning when we got to the daycare, there were no other cars there, so B told me, "Nobody's here. You can tell them I'm going to stop coming to school." He is counting the days. Each day (several times) he tells me "16 more days (or however many) until I don't have to go to school anymore." It is very sweet and heart wrenching. **guilt, guilt, guilt**

OH, anyway about the nutty bit. Can you tell I'm a bit scatter brained? This morning I seriously over slept! With not getting as much sleep, I have somewhat overslept -15 or 20 minute- a few times. But today, I got up 20 minutes before I usually leave the house. That is not very much time to get me and B ready and feed him breakfast and everything. I keep worrying that I'm going to wake up LATE. As in past the time I have to leave to be to work on time. I wasn't late today. I dashed to get ready, left the house 5 minutes later than usual and drove a little faster than usual (70, the speed limit, instead of 60, my gas saving limit) so I got there about five til eight.

I have NEVER been late (except for pre-scheduled things) in the over 3 years that I have been working here. And it wouldn't be a big deal if I was. I could just call in and say "Mr. C. I've run into a little snag this morning and I'm going to be a few minutes late." And he would say, "Ok. I'll see you when you get there." But something honestly is wrong with me. I think I've gone quite off my rocker!

Ok. Thanks for letting me errupt over that. LOL


Cassandra (the restless volcano)

enjoy the ride

Sufficient Life
Jul 12, 2008
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Really Northern California
You're taking a leap of faith and it is so OK to be stressed about it. But I think you have a pretty good safety net. Your boss would be delighted to have you return to work if it was needed.
Take deep breath- and some extra vitamins- no coffee. It will all come out right. :hugs

Eduted ti cirrct the typos- yeah right.......................


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 12, 2008
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Thanks, ETR.

When I mentioned to my aunt that I might be staying on part time, she asked me if I was having second thoughts about quitting permantly and I'm really not! If I work, say, 5 hours a day for 2 or 3 days a week, that doesn't seem like much. But then I have to add an hour for driving and another hour for showering and putting make-up on and doing extra laundry and all that stuff.

I mean, if I sleep until 8 o'clock like we would like to and have to start getting ready for work at 11, that's still only 3 extra hours I've gained on the days I go in. But I can stick it out for a while. Mr. C is a good person and a very well known business man in our corner of the state. It will serve me well to have an 'above and beyond' work reference from him.

Plus it will give me a few hundred dollars a month (most of which I will be able to keep since I won't be paying for daycare) that I can use for buying seeds and a tiller and things like that.

I'm determined to make it work for me. Just wish I could sleep. :lol:



Super Self-Sufficient
Jul 21, 2008
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You are not off your rocker----yet! :gig

seriously you are going to have a BIG change in your life. You are excited, freaked, happy, sad, and all of that at one time and your body is in overload emotion mode!!!!! COOL---hahaha

I did the exact same thing...I swear I thought I was nutso! 43 years old, having first baby, quitting real job to work the farm....wow....such a change for me at that point I thought I was going looney..HA HA

it will be over do not worry.

also, being part time at work to help the new person, interally you probably just want to quit and be done....don't want to hang on even part time cause that like just drags it out and out and out and it doesn't seem over.....but it will be over and your days will change into a great pattern for you!! It will all be good and new and fun and different.....all good things believe me!

hang in there...changes are hard, scary, and all---but changes are super fun and adventerous and to be enjoyed in life also!

WHAT IS YOUR FIRST BIG SS PROJECT YOU HAVE PLANNED WHEN YOU ARE FINALLY DONE WITH WORK? I bet you have something up your sleeve you are dying to work on..lol

enjoy the ride

Sufficient Life
Jul 12, 2008
Reaction score
Really Northern California
I've never tried this but for your situation, it seems like it might help.

I've heard of keeping a pencil and pad of paper next to the bed, then writing down what thoughts are bothering you to deal with the next day- seems to have the effect of allowing you to let them got til the next day. Might help with sleeping?


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 12, 2008
Reaction score
FarmerChick said:
WHAT IS YOUR FIRST BIG SS PROJECT YOU HAVE PLANNED WHEN YOU ARE FINALLY DONE WITH WORK? I bet you have something up your sleeve you are dying to work on..lol
ohhhhhhhhhhhmgosh Karen. How did you know? There is SO much stuff I can't wait to do!! :lol: :lol:

It is no accident that I had scheduled my date of departure for just before planting season! :woot

I want to get started on my garden right away.

I want to declutter the house and sort out what can be sold and what needs to be donated. (Maybe have a garage sale if I can round up enough stuff.)

I want to build a couple of chicken tractors so I can 'selectively fertilize' my back yard garden locations. (And get more baby chicks! :ya )

I want to begin preliminary home schooling of my five year old.

I want us to be able to have weekly outings that are cheap/free like to the library and the lake.

I want to start making next years Christmas present NOW. (Like knitting scarves and making cute jar toppers for canned things.)

I want to inventory my food storage so I can plan to get it in order. Gosh, what else. I feel like that doesn't even begin to scratch the surface. LOL

Cassandra (saving housework until LAST)


Lovin' The Homestead
Sep 12, 2008
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enjoy the ride said:
I've never tried this but for your situation, it seems like it might help.

I've heard of keeping a pencil and pad of paper next to the bed, then writing down what thoughts are bothering you to deal with the next day- seems to have the effect of allowing you to let them got til the next day. Might help with sleeping?
I have to do this. But last year when we had an incident that stressed me out and I was unable to sleep I took one of my son's Melatonin and was right to sleep in 20 minutes. Its a natural supplement and doesnt knock you out or make you feel groggy in the am. I cant afford to miss sleep so I really needed to do it. Just a thought.


Should be Sewing
Nov 19, 2008
Reaction score
I think you can't sleep because you regret telling him you would stay on part time because you were ready to make a complete change in your life and you took that major huge step and told him you are quitting and now you are not! You have a million things on your OWN to do list and working part time is going to get in the way of all of that! Jusy my opinion! I am sure you will do what is right for you!:D


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 12, 2008
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enjoy the ride said:
I've never tried this but for your situation, it seems like it might help.

I've heard of keeping a pencil and pad of paper next to the bed, then writing down what thoughts are bothering you to deal with the next day- seems to have the effect of allowing you to let them got til the next day. Might help with sleeping?
ETR, maybe it is fortuitous. My mom gave me a little box of 'happies' for Christmas and one of the things in there was a pretty purple faux leather journal. I just got it out of the box to take to bed with me. Thanks for the idea.

ams, I will get some melatonin, too. I am leary about taking sleeping aids, but I figure I can try it on a Friday or Saturday night so if i feel like crap and want to sleep all day the next day I can. :lol:


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