I rolled my own Homemade Incubator :-)

Elwood Lightfoot

Enjoys Recycling
Jul 14, 2010
Reaction score
It was a $20. dollar gift certificate for use in the BYC store so I used it to buy membership on the site, the winnings paid for almost half of the cost of building it, it was less tan $50 bucks for the whole project since I had most of the stuff already. There are a couple holes in the back in the top section for air and where the screw holes were for handles and hinges also provide some but since the doors are so big I figure opening the lower door once a day exchanges enough air and once it goes on lockdown I only open the top door every day, I have my second run coming out of the incubator just finishing up and so far I have 83 out of 108 eggs that were viable at lockdown so not a bad hatch at all haven't done the math but somewhere around 80% a third of them are barred rocks and the rest are mutts RR Red Roo's over lexlink and Buff Orpingtons they are twice the size of the BR's
I'm really pleased with the turn out so far they started hatching Sat morning and still coming out I had 3 more this morning LOL

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