
Lovin' The Homestead
Jan 5, 2011
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Bubblingbrooks said:
You can start a thread asking for a kombucha scoby, or, you can grow one youreself.
Buy a bottle of plain kombucha, pour it into a glass bowl that has a 6 inch or so width.
Cover it with a lighweight towel, and secure it with a rubber band.
Stick it on top of your fridge and forget about for 3-6 weeks.

Mine have been on rest for awhile, so they are not ready to be sent out at all.
Hope to get new batches going this week.
Gotcha! I think I need to slow down a bit. I completely forgot that the kombucha was a mushroom! So that would probably be what the chunks of stuff in my tea is, huh?

Thanks for the info. I think I'll start the tea this weekend (didn't drink it yet, just took a sample sip).

Thanks for the info.


Lovin' The Homestead
Jan 5, 2011
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lwheelr said:
Yup, that is the K-tec mill. I was just on there, found the same listing and bookmarked it for myself.

Diet soda is nasty stuff, especially with aspartame. It can, and does, cause male impotence. I don't want to go into exactly how I know that, but believe me, we tested and it was definitely the issue - a repeatable effect.

I order wheat in bulk online, from WaltonFeed.com. There are lots of other places too, just be aware that shipping will usually double the price. But if you buy it locally, you'll be paying $20 for 50 lbs anyway. Go ahead and get it in bulk if you know you'll use it, because it keeps just about forever if it is in airtight buckets. I order it in bags, and put it in plastic storage buckets when I get it. Much cheaper than buying it sealed in buckets, and still stores for years that way.

If you know any Mormons, you can ask them where to get wheat in the area, they may know. I've found it in Wal-Mart, HEB, Costco, etc, at times, but not consistently.

Some more rules for fresh milled flour:

1. Make sure you store it in an air-tight container, obviously.
2. Don't store it for more than 2 weeks on the countertop. It loses too much nutritional value and starts to go rancid. If you are mixing a batch of dough every few days, you'll use up a mill-bin worth in that time. If you are baking less often, you might not.
3. If you need to store it longer than 2 weeks, you can triple that time by storing it in the fridge, or make it last 6 months or more if you store it in the freezer.

A little about yeast now...

Yeast is cheapest if you can find a place that sells it in 1 or 2 lb bags, it is WAY less expensive than the little bottles or packets in the grocery stores. I buy this 3-5 bags at a time and keep them in the freezer. You'll only need 1 bag at a time, but still keep it in the freezer and it will last pretty much forever, even AFTER it is opened. You can measure out what you need and toss it right into your water in the bowl.

Another simplification... Put your warm water into the bowl, add the yeast, and let it dissolve, then add the rest of the ingredients on top. Saves on dishes, faster and easier than fussing with multiple dishes like they always show on the cooking shows.

You can use a bread machine if you want. Use it to do the mixing one night, pop the dough in the fridge. Next day, put it back in and restart the cycle and finish the baking - the extra kneading won't hurt a thing, and it raises slowly in there so it will do a nice job. This is what my Mom is doing.

Nice thing about that fermented bread - it takes so few ingredients that you almost always have the stuff to make it!

We've used it for cinnamon rolls, pizza dough, pocket dough, fried bread, seasoned bread, cinnamon bread, and we've even rolled it really thin and made crackers from it. We pretty much don't bother making any other kind of dough, it works well whether you do the hot water bake at 450 degrees, or whether you do a fast bake for 30 minutes at 375 without the pan of water (we do that for everything except plain crusty bread).
OK, I did NOT know that about the diet soda! I knew it was bad but dang! That's not really an issue for me right now (see m first post)! :lol: But good info for the future.

Actually $20 for #50 is pretty good to me. I mean, it is $3 for #5 for the rancid stuff at the grocer here.

I make bread every Sunday for the week so this might just work out very well. Grind 5 or 6 cups every week. Thanks for the tip on moisture too. Was wondering about that!

Those are GREAT ideas for uses for the dough too.

Gonna print this out and put it in my binder in the kitchen (once I remember to get more printer paper!).

Thanks again!



Lovin' The Homestead
Sep 18, 2010
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South/Central Georgia
PLEASE keep asking questions, cause I'm reading and learning too!

Store-bought kombucha - any clue where it would be in the higher end grocery store? (Got one of those - the aforementioned Kroger - 45 min away, but the health food store is 1.5+ hrs away :/) Look in the organic section, I'm assuming? Refrigerated or on the shelf? Thanks!


Lovin' The Homestead
Jan 5, 2011
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Bethanial said:
PLEASE keep asking questions, cause I'm reading and learning too!

Store-bought kombucha - any clue where it would be in the higher end grocery store? (Got one of those - the aforementioned Kroger - 45 min away, but the health food store is 1.5+ hrs away :/) Look in the organic section, I'm assuming? Refrigerated or on the shelf? Thanks!
Oh don't worry, I NEVER run out of questions! :D

Glad someone else is enjoying this thread. i was affraid I was just boring everyone else and seeming to monopolize these fine people


Lovin' The Homestead
Jan 5, 2011
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big brown horse said:
:) These are my favorite kinds of threads. :pop
Mine too. We've covered a lot of ground so far and hope not to run everyone off too soon! :D

Lots more to learn!


Made in Alaska
Mar 25, 2010
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navajo001 said:
big brown horse said:
:) These are my favorite kinds of threads. :pop
Mine too. We've covered a lot of ground so far and hope not to run everyone off too soon! :D

Lots more to learn!
This is a journey that all of us are on still, and will be for a long time.
We are all in various stages of healing from "government advised diets".
I will consider my body healed, when I find that I have been able to actually carry a baby to term.
Till then, I slog on!


Lovin' The Homestead
Jan 5, 2011
Reaction score
Bubblingbrooks said:
navajo001 said:
big brown horse said:
:) These are my favorite kinds of threads. :pop
Mine too. We've covered a lot of ground so far and hope not to run everyone off too soon! :D

Lots more to learn!
This is a journey that all of us are on still, and will be for a long time.
We are all in various stages of healing from "government advised diets".
I will consider my body healed, when I find that I have been able to actually carry a baby to term.
Till then, I slog on!
BBrooks, I have read some about this on this site but didn't want to butt in. I just want to say good luck and I hope it happens very soon!

My heart goes out to you!



Lovin' The Homestead
Jan 9, 2010
Reaction score
Central Ohio
I just wanted to chime in that I have been reading and enjoying this post as well.

Some positive changes for our family have been that my daughter is no longer on ADD meds. I thought that we were giving her a proper diet when she was little as in we didn't do sweets hardly ever, no chips, no pop, ect. Both of my children love fruits and veggies. What I didn't realize was that the low/no fat in other areas was part of her problem. We were on 1% milk, low fat sour cream and cream cheese, salad dressings ect. Once we got our own chickens and I found this site through BYC I started researching and have gone back to eating the way I grew up.

My kids now fry their eggs in a bit of bacon grease, same with our potatoes, I use lard in my pie crusts and biscuits and I am not afraid of animal fats. The doctor switched my daughter to a different med last year and she was having a heck of time, headaches, stomach aches, couldn't sleep and she started puberty. So we weaner her off of the meds over about 4 months and it has been 5 months now and her grades are great and her attention span is fine.

I know part of it has to do with changing our diet and I am sure that part of it is also that she may be growing out of it.

Anyway, not to hijack your thread but I wanted you to know that you are asking great questions that others who lurk also want answered. Thanks and good luck on your journey.


Made in Alaska
Mar 25, 2010
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sekinkead said:
I just wanted to chime in that I have been reading and enjoying this post as well.

Some positive changes for our family have been that my daughter is no longer on ADD meds. I thought that we were giving her a proper diet when she was little as in we didn't do sweets hardly ever, no chips, no pop, ect. Both of my children love fruits and veggies. What I didn't realize was that the low/no fat in other areas was part of her problem. We were on 1% milk, low fat sour cream and cream cheese, salad dressings ect. Once we got our own chickens and I found this site through BYC I started researching and have gone back to eating the way I grew up.

My kids now fry their eggs in a bit of bacon grease, same with our potatoes, I use lard in my pie crusts and biscuits and I am not afraid of animal fats. The doctor switched my daughter to a different med last year and she was having a heck of time, headaches, stomach aches, couldn't sleep and she started puberty. So we weaner her off of the meds over about 4 months and it has been 5 months now and her grades are great and her attention span is fine.

I know part of it has to do with changing our diet and I am sure that part of it is also that she may be growing out of it.

Anyway, not to hijack your thread but I wanted you to know that you are asking great questions that others who lurk also want answered. Thanks and good luck on your journey.
WAPF has documented case after case of children healing almost overnight from things like ADD and ADHD, just from switching to whole raw milk.

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