If I see it all written out, will I be able to tend it better? Lets c


Jun 27, 2011
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"Let me live this week well, and thus give honor to those who gave their time and knowledge to me."

A very good sentiment and aspiration!


Almost Self-Reliant
Jun 11, 2010
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Lafourche Parish, LA
I have done something that may have been stupid (although if I say the whole story a lotta you would understand) and I immediately was upset with myself, so I called the one I felt I needed to and admitted my wrong doing and explained why I did it.
She seemed fine and seemed to understand, but apparently I did anger her. Crazy thing is I could have kept my mouth shut and she would have never found out. The one I fussed at (her child) would never had told on me, cuz it would have meant telling on herself first.
I went a whole week thinking everything was fine between us and now I learn otherwise.
Very sad.
I freaked out and fussed and apologized and even though I did what I thought I should do, it doesn't matter, cuz I'm the bad one. That ought to teach me for following my conscience and admitting what I did.
I hope she doesn't tell her child she is mad at me, cuz then the kid will think she can do anything to anyone and Momma will take her side.....

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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I don't know the situation, but I'm guessing from what you did post that the child was misbehaving, and you corrected them. If so, I would have done the same thing. I've corrected children when their parents were right there and did nothing to stop them. I'm sorry, but I don't like little kids going thru my purse. Nor do I like them coming up to me and hitting me, or smart talking to me, or... And if the parents get mad, IMO, THEY'RE the ones w/the problem, not me. Used to be you could correct someone elses child. Now people seem to think their child can do no wrong. As a result, the kids try to walk all over everyone. :hugs


Almost Self-Reliant
Jun 11, 2010
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Lafourche Parish, LA
Neighbor asked me to bury the hatchet and let us just go on like before.
The woman who used to own her house visited me last night and brought me a sign for my coop. I love it. It says, "La Poulailler de Rhoda." DH loves it. She made it out of a used board from an old barn.
Today I had to get in the garden. We have had rain lately and I knew the greenbeans would need picking. DD and I picked 4 gallons today. Hoping for about 15 before the bushes give out. My aunt used to tell me that she always has time for 2 crops of greenbeans, so hopefully when it stops, I can attempt another planting.
The tomatoes are going totally wild. 9 year old DD picked a bunch of green tomatoes that were a nice size and all the cucumbers today. Wish I had a good idea of what to do with those cucs.
I have enough squash right now to make a nice meal soon. I like to fry them, but I am trying to diet a little. I don't need to be in a rush for those though.
I lost my only silkie hen and now I have a lone rooster. I am thinking on mixing a white araucana hen with him and see what I get. I only wanted a silkie for help with incubating, so purebreed isn't an issue, but it would be nice.
Wish I was on my off time. I de-weeded as I picked beans and fed the weeds and grass to the birds. Noticed a marked decrease in eggs....from the chickens that is. Araucanas have the brown egg layers beat right now. Guineas are laying a decent amt, but I'm not sure if I'm incubating them or pickeling them. I need to decide. I can take a chance on incubating, cuz the keets I have now are all pretty much promised away. I think I can sell keets, even if I'm having a hard time selling chicks this year.....speciality item and all that.
You know.......I kinda itch (arms and ankles). Might jump in the pool now that the sun is down. (my skin doesn't like the sun). Hope all my SS friends are keeping themselves busy, busy, busy. This is the time to be doing it.


Almost Self-Reliant
Jun 11, 2010
Reaction score
Lafourche Parish, LA
First day 'off.' Picked greenbeans again. Family came out to tend the garden. I had tied up the tomatoe vines 2 days ago and can better see the greenbeans and fruit off the tomatoe vines. We picked a good amount of produce, weeded and DS started cutting grass. DH took over and put the grass catch on it, so he could go in the actual garden area, so each chicken project got a really nice treat. We had 4 or 5 tomatoe plants in a tractor tire planter which was trailing all over the ground. I just picked up the vines and piled them in the tire, so DH could cut the grass. Considered laying plastic sheeting on the ground to stop grass and lay the vines back, but DH got worried that someone would step on them, so thats out. I just layed the vines back down and started picking the biggest fruit.
Well I made a lot of dill pickles with all those cucs and now I have to pick them and use them, cuz not giving me a massive amount anymore. So DH planted more seeds today. My co-worker loaned me a book called,"Stocking Up." Thats where I got the pickle recipe. She has been making bread and butter pickles. Actually I was not familiar with them. I tried them at work and wouldn't have minded making some, but it required too much honey.....I was like, its not feasible for me to do that because it will cost me too much in honey. But I think maybe I will make a small batch to put in jelly jars or maybe my reused glass jars (spagetti sauce, pickles, salsa jars etc....).
I am pretty tired and DH is already asleep. Might turn in soon, after I bag the greenbeans.


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 14, 2011
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Years ago, I hit on a sweet pickle recipe (not bread and butter, but similar). I love those pickles and always try to keep some in the pantry! They aren't overly sweet (don't use honey - I've never seen a recipe that uses honey, would you be willing to pass yours/your coworkers along? Sounds interesting) and they stay crisp, no matter how old they are. If you're interested, I'll try to dig it out for you.


Almost Self-Reliant
Jun 11, 2010
Reaction score
Lafourche Parish, LA
Please do, because I can get way more money for a pint of honey than what I would consider the value to use in the pickles. I will be getting a copy of the book myself because I was impressed with it enough that I bought a used copy on amazon. They have lots more and considering my interests, I thought I might as well own my own copy. I'll message you the recipe when it comes in. I think she says its ready after 4 days.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
I have Stocking Up. It's one of my favorite books. In fact I think several of us on here own it.


Almost Self-Reliant
Jun 11, 2010
Reaction score
Lafourche Parish, LA
That somehow doesn't surprise me at all.
Well my sister's FIL just loaded me down with cucumbers and tomatoes from his garden. He is a nice old man, but I can't speak Spanish.....only English and French, so very hard to communicate.
I'll use his cucs to do the bread and butter recipe, I guess. I sure have enough dills for a while.
Wish my book was here. Oh.....and FYI, I paid 8 cents for the book. Well, Okay I also had to pay 3.99 S&H.


Almost Self-Reliant
Jun 11, 2010
Reaction score
Lafourche Parish, LA
I'm having all kinds of drama with the hens eating eggs. I have pretty much fixed it, but not completely and with me being on my 'on time' I don't have time to tend the animals early enough and the way I should.
Got my geese to adopt some goslings....8 in all, from different breeds. Hoping for bigger breeders than Chinese. The Christmas goose was delicious, but not big enough, so hoping some emdens will make a big difference.
Its been raining enough for sure. Had to separate the ducklings from the keets due to disappearing water and mess. Making the ducklings learn how to be ducks.......on the ground, in the grass.
Taking tonight off to bring MIL to the doctor tomorrow.......then I plan on replanting greenbeans. I was hoping for a little more for the freezer than the bushes gave me, but I think I have time for another crop before fall.