Cold is on the Right, Hot is on The Left
I'm sorryme&thegals said:I'm jealous of being able to even touch property taxes wtih $1000 and still have some left over for clothing, wire and beef? Wow!!!Quail_Antwerp said:Ok well to be honest, if we got the stimulus we would probably do as much of the following as we could:
Pay property taxes for the year
buy 4-5 pairs of jeans for my DD
roll of woven wire for pasture
2 head of beef, if there's enough after the other stuff....
Now this list is assuming we got the $1000 stimulus...$500 we wouldn't do that much with it..probably pay the taxes, get my daugher some pants, and the woven wire.
We priced the fencing we want, it's about $130-$150 for 300 feet and we only need one roll of 300 feet.
I'll probably only put $30-$50 towards jeans for my daughter, if that much.
Now the beef, that's IF we can get a good deal on one or two head. The beef prices keep skyrocketing in our area.