If you had to evacuate?


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 15, 2008
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SE Indiana
Hey, not a problem...remember..in your search box...just type free samples. I get calandars, post it notes,(great for incubator hatch dates) pens,pencils, cloth grocery bags...you name it, I have probably gotten a sample of it. :p I even get pull ups, diapers, and female items....even tho we definately dont need them. I usually have a guest from time to time..that will whisper in my ear...hey, you have any.......??? SAVED! Printer paper samples...what a save for me! I Print a LOT of stuff. I have folders with info for, Chickens, gardening, herbs...Hmmm, there are more I am sure. I would have to go look. Oh, I have one on Dorper sheep! Have fun getting your freebies...and ticking off your postal delivery person! :p
edited to add....I TOTALLY forgot about this site...check it out!!!



Enjoys Recycling
Jan 16, 2009
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I think that I am set for any kind of bug out that may have to happen. I (thank God) was raised in the 1950's amid so much paranoia that I was well taught. Grandparents were raising their family during the depression so there was always a victory garden, I didn't know that wasn't the name for a veggie patch till I was in my 20's. There were tornado shelters that doubled as atomic shelters. Everyone was always tight with a penny so I didn't learn I had to spend it. Mad Max was a real eye opener for me as I was impressionable when I saw it, and then my brother was a navy seal... need I say more. I have all my records in a small safe that is portable. We have bug out packs in the shed. A location in the mountains if we can go that way, and one in Kansas if we can't. I have sat out hurricanes.. it was a himacane that got my house in Florida LOL. Family all over the states that know when the chips fall badly we will all take care of each other. My favorite story is one of Grandma Dolly, and her sister Pansy. This happened in the 1980's. These old girls were living alone outside Saint Louis. There was a blizzard and ice storm combo that had the entire area doing rescue. They were in their 90's, so it goes without saying that the locals were gonna rescue them. By the time the people got to the house the girls must have had coffee, pasteries, and chicken soup set for an army. LOL They had wood heat and the barn was set up for the storm before it hit. Here they are with the quilting frame in the living room and warming all their heros up as they came to the door. My cousin inherited the house and still has some of their plans in action. There is the pot belly stove in the parlor and the wood burning oven in the kitchen even though they have updated the rest of the appliances to only needing these in bad weather.


Low-Carb Queen - RIP: 1963-2021
Jan 3, 2009
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The best emergency kit you can have is a moterhome
Great idea. Now if I can only convince hubby :D

In my area (South of Colorado Springs, CO) my biggest risks are flood and fire. Until we get our motorhome, I have all my camping gear in one large tub. I would grab that, some clothes, throw food into another tub, grab the critters and head to my gf's house.


Frugal Homesteader
Sep 11, 2008
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Birth certificates, baptismal records, house insurance papers, geaneology work, photos, family heirlooms that are irreplaceable, clothes, food(load up the travel trailer), the cat, schoolbooks(have to keep the kids busy you know), videos of ds's. A few gifts that dmil gave to us before she passed like the quilt she made us & my grandparents quilt made by my ggrandmother in the 30's(or sooner). A few games & puzzles too to help pass the time. If we had 2 vehicles to tow with, then load up the livestock in the trailer & put all the chickens in the carrier's(large dog crate's) & head to our property up north. Oh and all the batteries I had as there is no elec up north. The little tv & dvds for entertaining the kids for the 5 hr drive too. My camera to take 1 last pic of the place before we left. Probobly pack as much stuff into our feed shed(metal cargo container) that we would have time too like dh's tools.


Mr. Sunshine
Sep 10, 2008
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North Arkansas
PamsPride said:
If you had to evacuate your home for a hurricane or a wild fire or something else knowing that you have less than 24 hours to prepare and pack and you will be out of your home for at least two weeks at a minimum but more like you will be displaced for a month. What would you take? Where would you go? Would you go stay with family? What would you do?
What would you take...knowing that you have less than 24 hours to pack...if you knew there was a real poosibility that your house would be wiped out?
Living south of New Orleans for the first forty years of my life, I have had a lot of practice with this one.

All of the important papers (birth certificates, deed, insurance, etc.,) are stored in two easily reached fire proof, water proof boxes. Also in one of the boxes is three DVD's, two with 5000+ scanned family photos and photos of our home contents (and an Excel spreadsheet with an itemized list of contents), the other has videos of the house contents and of our property and out buildings. One of the boxes also has our one sole credit card, six Walmart gift cards with cash available on each, and five hundred dollars in small denomination bills (in an emergency, change for large bills can be hard to come by). I also have two rolls of quarters for pay phones, etc.

Depending on the scenario and if we had the time, we'd grab the two "totes" with the actual photos and remove those on the walls, fill empty tote's with food (we keep enough food in the pantry for three months minimum), and grab the camping gear.

If it looked that the chances of the home not being there on return were high, we'd load up the trailer with the generators and spare gas/diesel. The trailer would give us of options for a lot of added items.

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