Mini Horses
Sustainability Master
Well, I think just nodding is a lot easier than nose twitching! Hope it works.
Also, hope that shoulder is better.
Also, hope that shoulder is better.
It takes a great mom to be accepting when their child chooses a different path in life.When my daughter announced that she was a witch now (15 yrs old at the time), instead of flying off the handle about it, I did some research to find out what she was talking about and make sure she wasn't getting involved in something dangerous. Other than the fact that she turned her back on Jesus, I didn't have a problem with the rest of it. I also found out one of my friends was Wiccan- she taught me a lot about it. One thing she said that I found interesting was "All Gods are One God, All Goddesses are One Goddess. Together, They are The Initiator"
What have you got against dancing naked? I have too many neighbors, and our forest is filled with prickly ash and other thorny underbrush.
WTF? Does this person attacking you have no life? Wow. Just wow.WARNING! JR. HIGH MEAN GIRLS COMMENTS BELOW: Don't read it unless you want to time travel back a couple of decades!
Apparently I'm not only a witch - but I'm a shape-shifter also, lol. A rat no less...with bubonic plague fleas?
Copied from another PUBLIC forum where I am the flavor of the month.
"Be aware that FEM lurks here and reads all we say and takes it back to SS with her. She is fully evil and has no boundaries of morals restricting what she does and sees no problem with eavesdropping here. I cannot keep the general public from reading here and apparently her life is so empty that she stalks this forum continually....she PMd (name removed for privacy sake) about something that was said here just yesterday, so that lets you know how closely she stalks us here.
Feel free to reveal as much as you wish here, as I do, but don't expect that anything you say here doesn't travel with a rat, like fleas with bubonic plague."
I have contacted this person and asked that the personal attack stop but it hasn't. Sorry, it really was never my intent to involve everyone - I simply hope that if I publish the attack that it will cease.