G'day GB we have a few here from "Down under" "Oz" or other names for Australia. You can save confusion by adding your location to your profile. Yep we write English but most of it is not the Queen's english. Aussie is different from Canada or US english as you have seen already. and you throw in the fact that your seasons are different from ours [You are starting Summer, we are starting Winter. There have been a few Aussies but I can't think of any which are active right now. Welcome I am in North Carolina which has one end on the Atlantic coast and runs inland to the Eastern mountain range. ~gdGB said:Im from South Australia. I live in a conventional way, but am slowly making changes to the way we live to become more self sufficient and concious of the environment. I love op shopping, gardening, economising in as many ways as possible. Through this forum I hope to meet likeminded people and make some new friends with this shared interest. Cheers!