I'm new, lost and don't know where to begin


Sustainable Newbie
Nov 13, 2013
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Yes gd, that's exactly what we are doing!


Super Self-Sufficient
Sep 12, 2008
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NOT Southern, Ca. :)
I recommend the book Back to Basics by Readers digest.

I just moved from Southern Ca. To SW Mo. One thing I recommend before you leave Ca.It to check out Good Will. Look for cold weather clothing. Carhart coveralls and snow clothes. In Ca their dirt cheap. Here their not available.

I think you'll find if its an old homestead it might have outbuildings. I would recommend chickens day one. A simple shed or coop will be sufficient. Storey's guide to chickens will give you all info you need. Not only will they provide eggs but can help in the clean up of the property.

Stick to the basics.

I will be following your progress eagerly.


Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
I'm w/TanksHill, get the chickens ASAP. And, even if you don't do a big garden your first year, I'd say do that as well. It's a way to get your feet wet and learn a bit.

Do you have any experience w/horses? If not, I'd hold off on getting them until you have a chance to learn how to work w/them properly.


Sustainability Master
Nov 13, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
SomeWhere said:
Things we will need to obtain:

chickens-for eggs, meat, restock and income
Sex links are good layers and are good "first chickens" for beginners. Bear in mind that they molt about 1 to 1 1/2 years old and stop laying while growing in new feathers. And about 3 years old or so, they slow way down on laying, but make tasty stew hens.
cows-for milk & by products, meat, restock and income
milk cows require a regular schedule, usually twice a day milking. The milk is the best you will ever drink.
turkeys-meat, restock and income
pigs-meat, restock and income
You might want to start with a couple of feeder pigs to get your feet wet. Buy piglets in the spring, feed them all summer, then butcher in the fall. If you fall in love with pigs, then you might look into your own sow and boar.
a few horses-work, transportation, possibly income
Horses are a hole in your pocket you dump money in. I have several and I adore them, but for income?? Not a chance. Make horses the last thing you do on the farm.
seeds-vegetables, grains, herbs, pasture/hay
Go with heritage, non GMO garden seeds.

canning supplies
Buy the Ball book of canning.
http://www.amazon.com/s?ie=UTF8&page=1&rh=i:aps,k:ball book canning

grain and meat grinders
This is where I got my Family Grain Mill. They have meat grinders too.

Things we need to learn:

animal husbandry
how to garden, harvest, save seeds for future needs
how to preserve the harvest
how to cook from scratch

--and I'm sure there is a lot more that we will be needing that we haven't even thought of so please feel free to jump right in with thoughts and ideas.

PS. yes, we've been doing a lot of reading here on the forum, books, online searches and obtaining any and all information we can get our hands on. We are trying to learn and prepare as much as possible now because once we move our information resources will be much more limited and when we do move, there is no going back. :frow
Since it sounds like there is no electricity, you might want to check out the Lehmans catalog. www.lehmans.com They cater to Amish and carry a lot of non electric items. They also carry gas (propane) refrigerators that require no electricity.

Most of all, don't forget to have fun.


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
Reaction score
Mountains of WV
Here's the thing...you can read all the books and websites in the world and they won't prepare you much for what you are heading into because most of the authors of these writings have never lived off grid or tried to homestead in rough situations. It's nice to have a plan and a goal and it's great to do research, but you'll get overwhelmed and bogged down real quick and in a hurry if you try to have it all right now...homesteading is a process and you can do it well and slowly or you can do it poorly and quickly, but very rarely can you do it well and quickly.

I wouldn't get chickens or any other kind of animal right away. That's the least of your worries and priorities. Take stock of your structures and determine if they are livable. Determine if you want to live without electricity and running water...if not, that's a big expense and your first priority. You don't need to be fussing with keeping animals alive when you are figuring out shelter, water and amenities. They take precedence over every other thing.

Establish if your water is good and plentiful...if not, that's a priority.
Establish if your house is structurally sound enough to reside in...if not, that's a priority.
Can you get electric to the house if you want it and find out what you will need to do so...setting poles, obtaining right of way, etc...that's a priority if you want electric.
Septic..it's a biggy if you aren't going to continue to use the outhouse..find out how much it costs, what kind is allowed where you live, etc.
Establish what is allowed in your neighborhood in the way of building, drilling, farming, etc....meet your neighbors.

Meanwhile your family is going to be adjusting to culture shock, environmental shock and just about every kind of shock you can imagine if you've never even went camping before...try to enjoy the discovery of just how little one really needs to live, learn to adapt, have patience and think of things as learning experiences instead of inconveniences. Attitude is a big key to living rough on a homestead...there are trade offs for that kind of life and one has to realize them for what they are and determine if the trade offs are what you really want and can live with for an extended period of time. Try to enjoy the experiences..even the bad ones, for they are the basis of learning.

You'll be busy cleaning up, clearing brush, finding old fences and cleaning out old buildings. You'll need all that time to adjust to your new circumstances, so use the time while you are engaged in these more mundane tasks to make plans for gardens and animals later...but I'd not put one animal on that land until you have taken care of the priorities first...not if you want an easier transition to this new life and don't want to be soon overwhelmed with too many irons in the fire.

Homesteading is a process..go low and slow, consider the big picture and think in terms of years, not days and months.


Super Self-Sufficient
Sep 12, 2008
Reaction score
NOT Southern, Ca. :)
Great advice Bee. When I suggested not waiting on chickens, I guess I pesumed they would tend to necessities first.

It's good if you to spell it out.

Shelter, water, waste... electric.

Good to see you Bee. I hope all is well.



Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
Reaction score
What an amazing adventure for your family! You will find a lot of good advice here that you can glean through and take what works for your situation.

Devoting the first year to cleanup and restoration is a great plan. I think, like some of the others, that chickens could probably be worked in that first year IF you want them. With a family of 8, it would be pretty easy to start with a few layers and assign their care to one of the kiddos. Sex-links are great for eggs. If you want a breed that will breed true for re-stocking, you might want to consider a tried and true heritage breed. Just an idea....

Cows can hurt you, especially if you are inexperienced. Maybe a smaller breed or even.....GOATS! (can you tell I'm biased?) A few goats cn give you all the milk your family can use along with a good source of meat - and highly unlikely that they will stomp you to death.

Pigs - love 'em! They can be dangerous also, but are very intelligent and personable in many cases.

Horses - gotta agree with Bay on that one. Consider them if you want very large pets/pasture ornaments. Its hard and I mean very HARD to 'make money' in horses. True profits are hard to come by in the horse world. If you do decide to purchase a horse or two - please do lots of research, talk to lots of good breeders and don't buy a baby! Get an animal who has had years of wet saddle pads on their back...have it vet checked and cross your fingers. Don't get me wrong - I've had horses all my life. Lately I've downsized to mini's just so I can still smell horse when I'm having a bad day. And, I do believe it's true with all my heart that the "outside of a horse is good for the inside of a (wo)man."

Go gung ho on the garden! Seeds are relatively cheap. Read everything you can on the area you will be working in. Have your soil tested. Even after doing all that - be brave and occasionally plant something just because you want it - even if it's not 'supposed' to do well in that area. Sometimes you just might be surprsed what WILL grow with a little care. In this case, having chickens will work with and/or against your garden. Composted chicken poo is a gardens friend - but scratching chickens in your garden can wreak havoc.

Bottom line - have fun!


Enjoys Recycling
Jan 10, 2011
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Vanderwagen, NM
Oh, I am sooo envious of you!

BeeKissed has the right idea for checking priorities, but, if your uncle was living in it up to three years ago, it might be all right. It's great you're going to go check it out.

Some things to look for in all the outbuildings are the tools. Chances are, if it was a working homestead all these years and in the same family, that you will have a great stock of tools, especially hand tools, there already. Even in they are rusty and have broken handles they are likely better than what you could buy now a days. Clean them up, repair the handles, and go to town! You might even find the grain and meat grinders there already. In the old days everyone had their own grinders to handle their animal feeds (you probably will need to get one for human use as the animal ones don't go fine enough) and their own butchering equipment.

Is any of the family still in the area? They could be a big help in showing you around. JD's suggestion about finding a church is a great idea, too. Try to meet the neighbors, especially the older ones. They might remember things about the property that could really be helpful as well.

I'm so glad you decided to go for it! It will be hard, I'm sure, but, oh, so worth it! Good luck and God bless!


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
Reaction score
Mountains of WV
Good points! Old tools are made so much better than the newer ones and you really can't buy that quality anymore. Don't throw away anything until you know what it is, if you will need it, what it is worth and what it would cost to buy a new one like it and if it can be restored to use.

Also a good point that old neighbors may be able to tell you much about the land, the water, the pasture, the weather patterns, when the buildings were constructed and out of what, what grows well in that area and they may even be able to get you started on livestock and mentor you in that way. Church is a great place to start and word of mouth there will get you more help than you could ever know about all sorts of things.

Go slow and get adjusted to the area before buying new things like churns, grain grinders, corn shellers, crocks, etc....farm auctions are a great place to find old tools and equipment, yard sales and estate sales also.

so lucky

Almost Self-Reliant
Jan 30, 2011
Reaction score
SE Missouri
You can start gathering information now, with the help of Google Earth, the local sheriff, county clerk, maybe a local pastor. You might be able to pay someone to go there and take photos for you, or at least list what is there. You can find out the nearest neighbor, and develop a good relationship with them before you ever meet them. Is the property being looked after, or could it have been open to vandals for the last three years? If it is in an isolated spot, be prepared for the local youth to have been using it as a hangout, unfortunately.