I'm sittin' on the fence here....goat vs cow


Food Guru
Jan 1, 2009
Reaction score
Southwick, MA
Unless I am missing something, fencing need not be the issue. If you contain the goat with moveable electric fencing and a light-weight shelter within the current pasture, that is still far more cost effective than a cow.

When I had just one goat with one horse for one summer, the single strand electric fence contained them both, since the goat would not go very far from the horse. Once I got that second goat for the winter snuggle-for-warmth factor, that was over. The goats wandered far and wide and the fencing project picked up speed.

However, it seems that cow's milk is more versatile. I would also check into the cost of having both animals butchered. That is another factor that varies by area and state. You can conceivably do your own processing with a goat, or have someone come to you to do it, but not so likely with a beef animal.

You can also breed a Jersey to a Dexter, and check into AI. It will likely be more cost effective than hauling the cow, especially if bloodlines don't matter.

I don't think I would be capable of having my dairy animals butchered.....unless we were desperate for food. I get very bonded with the daily close contact of hand milking and the sweet talk that goes with the process. I would have to consider long-term costs with a cow. It would have to die a natural death on my property! Unless I sold it during it's still-productive years so I could distance myself from the hard facts of life.

I learned as a child to raise some critters for meat and some for breeding and milk, to get attached to the latter but distance my heart from the former. But I cannot switch midstream. Another consideration in choosing a dairy animal, knowing yourself and your finances and what you are willing to spend for the best food.


Super Self-Sufficient
Jul 21, 2008
Reaction score
BTW people who say they love horses but don't have one simply don't know the depth of passion that runs in some other people. I can remember huddling under layers of blankets in my cruddy first apartment eating a constant diet of boxed mac and cheese in order to keep my one horse at a boarding stable. Not having a horse has never been an option- I would sacrifice everything up to losing my house to keep my retired girls. Not practical but passion does not count cost.


You are so right!~!!! Real horse lovers are insane over horses!!!!

As with anything, every person has an individual passion, whether dogs, cats, rabbits, gerbils, fish etc. etc. To just shoot down any of those critters doesn't cut it with the ones that love them...LOL

I am a true hard farmer. I love "certain" goats and say they will retire on the farm, but I have no trouble "doing what I must" if necessary....but my horses, WHOA...that is a whole 'nother subject..HA HA

So we gotta give everyone some leeway on their critter love. It is different for everyone.

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