Well the topaz beats any wire wrap that I ever did but how was it intended to be worn? Shell cameos took a dive when molded plastic was started to be used. I had so much invested in 'rough' that I felt I had to get a high price. OF course there were mistakes made by me so I would turn over lessor work to be sold on consignment in a shop run by friends. ~gdBritesea said:I tried cutting stones but didn't care for it much. I had fun making torchwork glass beads, but made my money with my wire wrapping. I never had the capital to go with the high end stuff; I mostly worked with sterling and gold fill. Since I was catering to middle class, and middle class are the people feeling the pinch the most, my business dried up. Here's a couple of pieces I did-
http://www.sufficientself.com/forum/uploads/3802_topazcelticss.jpg Topaz and sterling,
and http://www.sufficientself.com/forum/uploads/3802_cameobrace2.jpg a cameo and gold fill bracelet
and a closeup http://www.sufficientself.com/forum/uploads/3802_cameobraceclose.jpg