In your opinion.........


Sustainability Master
Jul 22, 2011
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Klamath County, OR
As I said before, a lot will depend on how many crises come together at once, without people being able to recover from them. I don't think it will happen, but it could.

I also think that the biggest changes will happen in the large cities. Humans are tribal creatures; they are hard-wired to come together- but in small groups, where they know everyone. We may see some Balkanization. The whole overcrowded rat thing- we are already seeing that; the sort of casual violence where total strangers are targeted (like flash mobbing). That's why everyone is always amazed when they hear stories about people coming together and helping each other in a disaster; it happens, but it's better not to count on it.


Lovin' The Homestead
Aug 22, 2011
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The vast majority of plant and animal species that ever lived on our Planet have gone extinct. This was because they could not adapt to changing conditions and failed to reproduce successfully (extinct) or adapted and changed so much as to become an entirely new species (same thing)
Other species have held on for amazingly long times as relic populations by finding themselves a safe little corner where conditions are still the way they like them.

Most of the things so many people talk about whenever this discussion comes up are really just changes.

For some they are disasters, and those people will have to either make some difficult changes or go extinct. By this I don't mean the popular understanding of the term extinct (shriveling up and dying in a heap), I mean to become a reproductive failure. A specific example of this, in the sort of situations discussed here, would be either you are the last generation of your kind or if you have children they will grow up adapted to the new realities of the Great Wide World, and are totally unlike their parents in outlook and way of life.

Your other option, if you cannot adapt, is to become a relic population. You can find some remote part of the world to live in or otherwise insulate yourself and your progeny as best you can from the outside world. Good luck on that. Soon or later the Great Wide World will come a-knocking.

Or, you can adapt.


Lovin' The Homestead
Jan 10, 2010
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Gobles Michigan
Social Unrest/Civil War:Threats of social unrest have appeared on many fronts, and it is just under the surface of many organization in this country. America is being divided and polarized. We have the heads of the two most powerful unions in the country (Trumka of the AFL-CIO, and Stern of the SEIU) openly calling for civil unrest, and the destruction of capitalism. As SEIU president, Andy Stern said, If we cant use the power of persuasion, we will use the persuasion of power. The power players and darlings of the far left, Francis Pivens, Van Jones, Micheal Moore, Cindy Sheehan, Susan Sarandon, Noam Chomsky, et al, supporting and in some instances calling for open revolution in the US and the West.
What on earth could possibly lead to a civil war in America?

Perhaps the first showdown since the OK corral?
Things are heating up all over the country. as you said, on every front. Montana recently passed a resolution that any attempt by the federal goverment to infringe on the right of Montana residents to bear arms would be cause for them to cecede from the union. It is more complicated than that but that is it in a nutshell.


Lovin' The Homestead
Jan 10, 2010
Reaction score
Gobles Michigan
Toulle said:
Your other option, if you cannot adapt, is to become a relic population. You can find some remote part of the world to live in or otherwise insulate yourself and your progeny as best you can from the outside world. Good luck on that. Soon or later the Great Wide World will come a-knocking.
The Ahmish have survived that way for years and they routinely encourage their younger generation to answer the knock of the great wide world. The vast majority return to the fold. They have sustained thier way of life for a good long time as a "relic" population. They prosper on a smaller scale but their needs are met quite well. They are the only people I will buy cheese from. They also do quite well with their furniture sales and are well known for their craftsmanship. They can't tell you what Lady GaGa wore to the grammys or who is the biggest loser but I think they have adapted quite well to modern society without drinking the kool aid.


Power Conserver
Jun 24, 2011
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Great thread...i'm just amazed at the denial i'm reading..! What Mark noted and other realist, is on target. "Relax" be IMO....well, heads hidden in the sand...The plain truth is, were screwed and big trouble will be here in abundance sooner than you think.You can hide, deny and put on some rosey coloured sun glasses, but guess what.? Every great empire falls, and it will be our turn soon.Whats the big surprise..?
We all know this has been building for a long time.Do some of you actually think it hasn't..? The wake up call went out a very long time ago, most just ignored it or didn't believe it.We have been in deep doodoo a long time, people are more aware of that fact now, because i finally coming to a head, and in everyone face. (Higher prices for everything and growing) We took from Peter to pay Paul, shuffled this to that,and every other game imagiable, to avoid our fiscal truth.Add greed,laziness,self gratication and spending more than we take in...and you get, what we now have..pretty isn' it...? "unsustainable" in every sense of the word...


Power Conserver
Apr 30, 2011
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Having faith in human nature along with a an optimistic outlook does not equal denial. You can expect the worst or expect the best and typically, you will get what you expect. This has been my experience lo these many years on this planet and it is not going to change now. People have been predicting doom and gloom since I can remember. And here we are.


Lovin' The Homestead
Jan 10, 2010
Reaction score
Gobles Michigan
R2D2 said:
We all know this has been building for a long time.Do some of you actually think it hasn't..? The wake up call went out a very long time ago, most just ignored it or didn't believe it.We have been in deep doodoo a long time, people are more aware of that fact now, because i finally coming to a head, and in everyone face.
What I hear most often is "Oh the government would never allow such a thing to happen". I just shrug my shoulders and walk away.


El Presidente de Pollo
Dec 7, 2009
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Thanks for posting that Koxxx, very informative.......


Lovin' The Homestead
Jan 10, 2010
Reaction score
Gobles Michigan
OrganicKale said:
Having faith in human nature along with a an optimistic outlook does not equal denial. You can expect the worst or expect the best and typically, you will get what you expect. This has been my experience lo these many years on this planet and it is not going to change now. People have been predicting doom and gloom since I can remember. And here we are.
Yep Here we are. That is why I started preparing 6 years ago. I am not preparing for 2011 or even 2012. I am preparing for 2016 and the real possibilty that my social security check each month will make my mortgage payment and the rest might buy me a bag of groceries. I'm very optimistic that the preparations I have made will sustain me through the tough times ahead. I am also realistic enough to know that over the last ten years my dollar does not purchace as much today as it did then and as time goes by it will purchace less. Not gloom and doom. Just looking at what I have left in the bank at the end of the month. That number does not bode well for me. I'm not trying to change your opinion I'm just trying point out what I see. If you don't see it, good for you, it is having no effect on your life and you are good to go. Good on "ya.


El Presidente de Pollo
Dec 7, 2009
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lighthawk said:
OrganicKale said:
Having faith in human nature along with a an optimistic outlook does not equal denial. You can expect the worst or expect the best and typically, you will get what you expect. This has been my experience lo these many years on this planet and it is not going to change now. People have been predicting doom and gloom since I can remember. And here we are.
Yep Here we are. That is why I started preparing 6 years ago. I am not preparing for 2011 or even 2012. I am preparing for 2016 and the real possibilty that my social security check each month will make my mortgage payment and the rest might buy me a bag of groceries. I'm very optimistic that the preparations I have made will sustain me through the tough times ahead. I am also realistic enough to know that over the last ten years my dollar does not purchace as much today as it did then and as time goes by it will purchace less. Not gloom and doom. Just looking at what I have left in the bank at the end of the month. That number does not bode well for me. I'm not trying to change your opinion I'm just trying point out what I see. If you don't see it, good for you, it is having no effect on your life and you are good to go. Good on "ya.
I dont get it...why 2016?

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