urban dreamer
I wanna farm
I have nothing to add!
And since I am in NO WAY ready to have offpring, congats to you and we wanna see baby pcitures! 

sheaviance1 said:My first two children were born naturally, with my daughter, I only felt three contractions and that was when they made me not push! With my son, I felt them only after we lost his heartbeat on the monitor and I got scared. My third child was induced, I felt every contraction. With all three of mine, they had me lay on my side (think it was my left side) and it intensified contractions and sped things up. Perhaps you should lay on your side on horseback on a bumpy dirt road and get frisky with hubs while stimulating your nipples and drinking whatever that was that was mentioned?
Seriously though, my advice, induce only if the baby is in jeopardy or you cannot progress once labor begins. Doctor's seem to want to induce labor for their own convenience these days.