You may want to look into taking a course. Local community colleges or even high schools often offer woodworking courses at night. Watching a video or looking in a book is a lot different from actually doing it yourself with expert help available.
I had the opportunity to take a week-long (almost) class in woodturning at the John C. Campbell Folk School in Brasstown NC a couple of years ago. VERY expensive, but a great experience. I wasn't able to do much with what I learned for almost a year, while I acquired equipment and tools and got a workshop set up. I was amazed at how most of it had stuck with me. But if it hasn't, I have wonderful notes to refer to. I do get more out of learning and doing at the same time. Videos are good, but I miss a lot of things and have to watch them over and over. Sometimes I'll pick up things from books, but it's hard to know how to choose the best ones for what you need as an individual.