I actually got a lot of stuff out of those books too. I also learned some stuff from my grandparents. They saved everything, canned, and my grandfather did ranch work primarily. There was no way I would ever be able to afford a ranch so bought a small acrege and made it a farm. I now strive to be self sufficient because it is a lifestyle that I love. I think most everyone has their own reason and it is bound to fluctuate up and down periodically.valmom said:I think my motivation started (very long ago!) because I always wanted to know HOW something was made. The Little House on the Prarie books were my first inspiration. My mother and grandmother were convenience all the way. I taught my grandmother how to crochet! I started my fiber obsession in 3rd grade. So, as far as SS- I can keep us warm
Then, I was always into horses, as was my mother- who bought us a pony when we moved to the "suburbs" in 3rd grade. That fueled my desire to live where I could keep my horse at home (well, that morphed into horsES). My father gardened every year probably as a cost saving measure, so it is something I just do every year. Whether it is successful or not every year, I still put something in the ground. It's just what I grew up doing.
When we moved to VT, a friend needed to get rid of her chickens to put her house on the market and we got them and started the fresh egg obsession- I can't envision ever not having chickens! We also started tapping our own maple trees. I learned how to make jams. I started making soap because my SO can go through a bar of soap every 4 days or so (I have NO idea how!) and it made sense to make it myself. With what I sell at work to people I have recouped my initial investment and make enough to keep me in oils pretty much. I am now making my own pasta because we have eggs to use up and it is a good thing to eat your own food as opposed to corporate food.
So, although I am not really SS in terms of needing to do it to live, it adds to my life to live this way.
(and I, too, find Prius drivers very holier than thou!)