Good idea on alittle of each in different freezer. Thanks
FarmerChick said:truly I think 'certain' things frozen are much better in taste....but again, I had freezer failure and lost TONS of stuff which ticked me off big I am still thinking canning/preserving if you want this 'more safe' vs. possible freezer
since I have 3 freezers, I do 'spread the wealth' now vs. putting all of one kind of item in 1 freezer...kinda like a back up system. if one goes down, I lose items, but I have more of that item in another freezer. so that helps lol
my time is always figured into whatever I do in this lifetime.
time is precious to I sure 'use' it where I feel it is used best. I ditched MANY SS type projects because of time involved...I ain't stupid LOL