Is Your Homestead in an HOA or Governed by Restrictive Covenants?


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
Reaction score
Mountains of WV
Me too! We were wondering just why our butterfly bush next to the porch was growing so tall and lush this past year...that thing grew to twice it's normal size, both in circumference and in height. And the blossoms were more numerous and bigger, brighter in color!


Just when I was thinking it was due to my tender care, one of my boys told me that he'd been peeing off the porch on that bush every time he comes for a visit...and his brother chimed in and said, "Me too!"


Sustainability Master
Nov 2, 2011
Reaction score
On the foot of Mt Rainier zone 8b
:lol: Like this one? Yes, we are aware it looks like a redneck, hillbilly hodgepodge but we wouldn't trade it for any McMansion in an HOA. For starters we can pee right in the front yard iffen we want to and no one can tell us we can't. ;)

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Very close! Theirs is just side by side. Yours looks more just house with addition.

Hubby pees out back all the time. Can't see him so no one cares. We're RSR-10. So all the properties are 10 or more acres. Usually the more since they cannot be divided smaller.

We have state restrictions on what can be done with the land, but crops and animals are fine. Just no building density, commercial, or industry. Perfect for hobby farmers who only have house, barn, shed, and shop. We have enough land (18 acres) we could have 2 houses on the property since they round up over 5 acres for houses. But no dividing. Many people around here with our amount put up another house and rent it out.


Sustainability Master
Nov 13, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
We used to live in the middle of our small town. One night there were lots of police at the tire store across the street, lights flashing, the store alarm was going off. I looked out the blinds and told my husband. He got up, wearing ONLY a shirt and waked out on the porch to get a better look. I told him that wasn't a good idea, but he brushed me off with, "They can't see anything, it's dark." So he proceeds to pee off the porch.......over the loudspeaker on one of the police cars came......"Bobby Joe-you need to get back in the house!" :lol:


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
Reaction score
Mountains of WV
We used to live in the middle of our small town. One night there were lots of police at the tire store across the street, lights flashing, the store alarm was going off. I looked out the blinds and told my husband. He got up, wearing ONLY a shirt and waked out on the porch to get a better look. I told him that wasn't a good idea, but he brushed me off with, "They can't see anything, it's dark." So he proceeds to pee off the porch.......over the loudspeaker on one of the police cars came......"Bobby Joe-you need to get back in the house!" :lol:

That reminds me of something my middle son did while working the oil fields up in PA. All the guys he lived near, all renting the same houses and rooms nearby, would love to get drunk and dust it up whenever they got off work. Eli doesn't drink, so he has no patience with this kind of thing...especially when he's just come in off a job that lasted 3 days and hadn't seen a bed in that long.

He was awakened by all the yelling and such outside his room, looked out the window to see this crowd of guys yelling, two rolling on the ground fighting, right by his truck. He puts on his boots, grabs his machete and proceeds to go out to the crowd...he's standing there in boots, his underwear, a machete tapping against his leg and he isn't saying a thing. Big, hairy, bearded guy, eerily silent. The crowd slowly stops yelling...things go mysteriously quiet. The guys rolling on the ground fighting notice the silence and stop fighting.

In the distance sirens begin but the crowd was already leaving. One of Eli's roommates touch Eli on the arm and gently suggests he go inside. Eli doesn't say a word, just turns and leaves. The next day one of the guys who was fighting knocks on his door and apologizes for making all that noise and waking him up.

Eli never said a thing the whole while...I guess a grumpy looking bear of a man in his boxer briefs and a machete can really put the damper on a night of drinking and brawling. :lol:

Poor guy forgot he wasn't in the sticks anymore and you can't run around in your drawers and work boots and carrying a big knife without scaring folks a little. :gig