Super Self-Sufficient
Ok, the horses are beautiful.. I am not real partial to horses they scare me to death. Maybe just cause I know nothing about them.. But congratulations anyways!!! 
You know the drug Premarin? It comes from PREgnant MARe urINe or PMUs. They get horses (preferably drafts-big horses, big urine) pregnant and collect the urine from which they distill the hormone that they use for menopausal women. The problem is that eventually the mare gives birth to a draft horse which few if any people want so they end up going to slaughter. I once saw a video of a 7 month old bay filly being slaughtered while she was still quite alive and aware and that was the impetus that I needed to go out and save just ONE. Oddly, the filly that my PMU mare gave birth to shortly after we rescued her was a bay filly who now excels in various dressage competitions.reinbeau said:Farmerlor, I just noticed something - my hubby's name is Greg, also
Please, what does PMU mean?
Hey, I know that rant! I absolutely abhor the way the medical industry (and yes, it's big business) makes menopause some kind of disease that needs to be treated with all kinds of pills and drugs.reinbeau said:Ugh, that's horrible. I'm so happy you could rescue her, but I do wish that whole industry didn't exist. Awful. I'm sorry I asked - but I need to know this stuff, as does everyone. I could go off on my own little menopause rant but I won't......
She's a lucky girl, that you found her!
Aw, thanks so much. I had to quit my horse rescue groups too. The sad stories and emergency situations that I just don't have the money, land or time to help with were just agonizing for me. I still keep in touch with the wonderful lady who bought the filly that Fiona had shortly after she arrived here and everytime I see a video of that beautiful girl dancing to dressage moves I think of how very easily she could have ended up as a steak on someone's plate.Cybercat said:I have to tell you that you are a hero to me, Farmerlor. You took a stand and saved lives....you HAVE made a difference. I was an Admin on a horse rescue board for several years, but haven't been there much the last year. (I had to take a break because I was becoming so depressed.) As a group we primarily rescued slaughterbound horses from several feedlots- two in Washington state and 1 in Colorado. We kept hundreds of horses from being inhumanely slaughtered. We also help local rescues and sometimes pull horses off of Craigslist, etc...some folks also go to livestock auctions and try to outbid the meatmen.
There is such need in the world, and most people don't even know....
Thank you for saving Fiona and her babies...