Jason closes his journal... Thanks!! I love you!!


Mountain Man
Feb 27, 2009
Reaction score
In the woods with the critters
Mackay, I tried using a small test sample of a pvc frame, I didn't like it, just wasn't sturdy enough for my liking.

I own a couple of metal fabrication shops, so my idea was to use 1" x 1/8 steel flat bar, rolled them in a rolling machine, this process also can be done by hand using a cut out jig in the radius you want from some ply wood. I welded the frame together and used zip strips/electrical wire ties to attach the wire to the frams.

******* useful tip*******
Because hardware wire is round, it will destroy your sheetmetal shears/cutters. Using a cut-off wheel to cut the wire is not only ten times faster, saves your tools, and can be found at a local DIY box store for less than 8 bucs. This is also useful for all your round wires including chicken/cattle fencing. Please wear gloves and safety glasses.

I checked on them before I took the camera out, and right now only one basket is up. But give me a few days, I post some soon.

Here you go G

~ 1 rabbit, cut into serving pieces
~ 1/3 cup all-purpose flour
~ 1/2 tsp salt
~ 1/8 tsp black pepper
~ 1/8 tsp cayenne pepper
~ vegetable oil for frying
~ 3 tbsp all-purpose flour
~ 1 1/2 cup milk or chicken broth
~ salt and pepper
~ brown bouquet sauce

In large plastic food-storage bag, combine 1/3 cup flour, salt, black pepper and cayenne pepper. Shake to mix. Add rabbit pieces. Shake to coat.In large skillet, heat 1/4 inch of oil over medium-high heat until hot. Add coated meat and brown on all sides. Reduce heat and cover tightly. Cook over very low heat until tender, about 20-25 minutes. Turn pieces once. Remove cover and cook 5 minutes longer to crisp. Transfer meat to plate lined with paper towels and set aside to keep warm. Discard all but 3 tablespoons of the oil. Over medium heat, stir 3 tbsp flour into reserved oil. Blend in milk or broth. Cook over medium heat, stirring constantly, until thick and bubbly. Add salt, pepper to taste.

Yes I did build the A-frames, I used 3 bundles of 1x2's and dry wall screws. They will split the wood hence the extra corner braces. I purchased the netting at the mill, I used smaller plastic netting last year, it ended up catching a few birds and I wasn't happy about that. Yes, I built some tee-pees for some flowers for my wife from bamboo last year. But I really wanted something I could use for more than five years. After weathering this year, I will coat them to protect than for the nexted couple years.

Today, I finished my last raised bed for the year, my carrot box. To keep it real here, I did somethings wrong last year, hence getting my head further/often into gardening books last winter. I tried to grow some carrots last year, that was a flop and a half.

I also have a couple projects that I haven't really mentioned yet, in the next few weeks, or sooner, I will share some more planting stuff I am going to try. Because they are gimmics, my test run should help you folks save some money by not purchasing faulty products. If they work, that will be great, nothing lost. But my hopes are just average I wanna see how they preform and share the results here.


Super Self-Sufficient
Sep 12, 2008
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NOT Southern, Ca. :)
Thanks for the recipe. I highly doubt I'll use it but good to have on hand. I am looking forward to the new projects. I will have to tell my dh what you said about the wire cutters.


Mountain Man
Feb 27, 2009
Reaction score
In the woods with the critters
I didn't mention the bath tub. :)

One of the projects I had been working on before I joined this forum. I had posted to lorihadams thread one night while waiting to talk to my clients designer, after everything was done. The designer was from UAE (United Arab Emirates) and I was waiting to speak with her when she returned from Sweden. Looks like it was a double thumbs up!!!

This tub is in Stockholm, Sweden. With a high ticket item such as this, I needed to work with my designers client as well. This is in their main bath in their summer home, a vacation home away from Russia.

I need to go into the oil business, or even natural gas, like said client is.




But they got their copper tub, and only in Sweden will you find so many windows in the bath area.

Edit note: Fixed broken links


Goat Whisperer
Mar 28, 2009
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Talk about FANCY!

Hey.. those cranes.. I remember seeing one exactly like it on Sanford and Son, I know because we found some small cast iron gold painted ones, just much much smaller, and for like $2.

Is that isn't proof that I wouldn't be able to even afford looking at the tub, then I don't know what is.

You'd also need some long legs to step into that puppy!


Mountain Man
Feb 27, 2009
Reaction score
In the woods with the critters
:weee I got almost all of my hardwoods planted today up on the hill. I also planted paper white birch trees staged around the pond. Those are so nice looking in that type of setting, adds color in the summer. I am so happy I pre-dug all the holes for my trees. I missed two holes for my Butter Nuts and had to dig those out by hand today. It took me maybe 6 times longer to plant each tree, verses getting to the hole, preping soil, planting the tree.

Couple weeks ago I dug out what I think are wild black raspberries or they cold be just blackberries, purple stalk with a white frost covering it? To grow a little strong and plant down at the bottom of my property line to make a barrier so humans couldn't just walk through. Not that anyone does, but they will also make the front look a lot better. It gets covered with golden rod every year, and looks like a dead stick marsh in the winter/spring.

While I was planting, I heard a gobbler not too far from me, and I was going out to hunt saturday morning. I forgot I have a fishing trip with my daughter planned already. With the rain here now, and also here tomorrow, I won't get a chance till next week to go. I did get an extra turkey tag for this year.

We were really hoping to have a camp this year, but with money not rolling in, it will be something we will do when things get better. I have a lease on some property in Elk County PA, just 7 acres. I grabbed the lease 2 years ago when we were planning to build a summer log cabin in the future. Its locked in for three more years with first option to buy.

I was going to build my chicken coup this weekend, but that will have to wait till next weekend.

With the rain here for the next couple days, it will give me some much needed rest time after the last few weeks of work and work here at home.



Mountain Man
Feb 27, 2009
Reaction score
In the woods with the critters
They were calling for rain today, it was partly cloudy and so lots to get done. :clap

We like to mushroom hunt because we like Morels so much, sometimes we might walk several miles looking for these little good eats, and come home with a few pounds. We will continue to hunt for shrooms, as well as harvest them from my new Morel Mushroom bed. :drool


It dropped down too -20 degrees for several weeks here last winter. :barnie The sad results was the mass killing of the 2nd year harvesting stems of my Darrow blackberries. I was saying all kinds of stuff at ole man winter today. :rant :tongue

While armed with the camera, I took some photos of the flow of the fresh water spring to the pond I cleaned out today. I don't mind cleaning out the spring every couple years, I always say "well its Polar Bear plunge time" again. If I were to guess, I'd say the water temp is about 45-50 degrees right now.


This pipe use to have a tree trunk to cover it, but it rotted to pieces and got crushed. I will try to find a hollow log now. The second pic is the overflow from the pond, this is what my bridge is covering.


I also took some pics of my tater baskets to share, their still not all up yet, but their on their way.:pop I know some of you have been waiting for some results, wait till harvest time. :weee




While I was out armed with the camera, I decided to take some pics of the tiller I bartered with Albert almost a month ago. I since sold my Troy Built to a friend for 200.00 cash, it was only 3 years old.

Speaking of which, my new tiller is a BCS, made in Italy, and it puts my old troy built tiller to shame. My troy use to beat my shoulders up after running it for a half hour straight. My bcs, I can run it with one hand, easy, peasy. :celebrate

Here is what my new tiller has, photos shown confirm what it has. Gear driven 10 horsepower, two reverse, 5 forward, either dual braking or left to right drum braking, 5 way handle adjustment ( even has adjustments to walk either side of the tiller as not to walk in the row ) plow, wagon, siskle bar (36 inch) or sulky hitch, pto switch, electric start, and the handles can be flipped 180 degrees for said operations. You can mount dual wheels or add weights, and last but not least full two wheel drive. :weee :celebrate :clap






After all has been said and done, I think I got the better side of the barter. Perhaps Albert thinks he got the best side too, so it all worked out to be a even deal when it all is said and done.

One tree, my pear, is going grow crazy, look at it :D


I hope the weather holds out tomorrow, I have to get my bean tree finished so I can get it in the garden. Right now everything seems to be in a holding pattern, except the growing chickens. I gave them sone fresh grass yesterday, they liked it. :)

So how is your garden coming along????


Food Guru
Jan 1, 2009
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Southwick, MA
Garden? We are still getting some freeze warnings! But I have started on my pots and buckets, and some of the seedlings are going strong. Not the flowers, though, they pooped out on me. I'll replant some, but I may end up splurging on a 2-3 flats at the plant place. Gotta have some pretty, too.

So I have been turning sod for my new garden, and adding compost to everything, letting the chickens till last years' new garden and encouraging that with a little loosening of the untouched spots with a spading fork or adding some compost to get the worms up to the top, which gets the girls to scratch-scratch-scratch.

I have so much to do!!!! EEEK! But as long as it is all in by the end of May, I'm good. We are supposed to get a week of rain, so I went crazy moving compost the past few days and turning sod while it is dry and light and the roots let go of the dirt easily. I either plant the best sod in gaps in my pasture, or shake the dirt out and toss it in the compost pile.


Always doing laundry
Oct 31, 2008
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I got everything planted this week and DH built me some frames out of pvc and plastic to cover everything to keep the birds out and protect all of my seeds and transplants from the forecasted thunderstorms. I have to hand water them every day but at least they haven't been flooded or beaten to death.

The pear tree looks good. My mom has 2 or 3 of them and they were loaded last year. So heavy that we had to prop up the limbs with 2x4's!

Your tiller looks really nice and the pics of the spring are pretty. How hard is it to grow mushrooms?

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