Always doing laundry
thanks for the package, sent you an email! 
When I worked for a large company, my department played "The Troubleshooter Show" followed by "Rush Limbaugh". My people had the option to wear headphones and play their own music. Some idiot from another department complained about my radio programs. My solution was "stay the hell out of my department"The radio issue was brought to my attention this morning, they offered a solution in order to listen to music while they work. The solution was, they all agreed to one radio station to listen to. I was fine with that and now that manchild is gone, no rap music sorry if you like rap, I don't like it at all.
I will be happy to meet your needs Ms. Wanda, however I must request I be invited to every fish fry in the evening.2dream said:Gas- $60
Vacation on Jays land with the deer, bears and turkeys in the middle of knowwhere, $5 a day.
Swimming in Jays pond with Piranha Blue Gills, PRICELESS.
I was going to request a reservation for 5 days but can't figure out how to drive from Mississippi to your place for $60 in gas hauling a camper trailer. Guess I could just throw my tent in the back of the Toyota along with my fishing pole and live off the land while I am there. And I do have a small request. Since I will not be taking advantage of swimming with those nasty little fish can we deduct .50 per day from my daily rate?