Jason closes his journal... Thanks!! I love you!!


Lovin' The Homestead
Feb 22, 2009
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modern_pioneer said:
I always say when I am done, I am done.. It is what it is...

Smoking is an addiction, I am not sure I understood that when I decided to quit.

I thought I could quit any time I wanted, this was the time, and so it was... But...

Until now, I never ever understood addiction, and with that, with disrespect to myself, I had given up.

But the monster came alive out of selfish reasons, I struggled, and gave in only to hold a stinky cig in my hand and wondered what that breath of smoke held for me.... I found nothing, but felt better as my own mind seemed to to say "that was good, keep on" but I seemed to have missed that I failed at stop smoking.

Can you non-smokers help me with my mind frame?

I have to teach my mind that smoking isn't good, and no matter what, smoking won't be a crutch.
You have internet,..research cigarette smoking and the ill effects it has on a human body,..not only yours but the people around you also. Read as much as possible,..take in as much as you can.
THEN,..you have kids??? Try to see them older,..look at their future. Do you want to be part of their future??? Do you want to see them do all the wonderful things that they are going to do? Do you want to see your grandchildren?? Do you want to be around for your children??Do you think your children will need you to be there for them?? What about other family members??? Your spouse?? Sometimes in life we have to put others in front of ourselves and smoking is a selfish act. It affects you and everyone around you in one way or the other. I know personally, I fought the monster too and I won! After 20 yrs of smoking 2 to 3 packs DAILY. It is not easy and you do get mad at youself for "letting" it become an addiction. So many feelings arise,...but you have to stay the course. IF you need help there is no shame in having it. They have meds that are helpful and then there is the patches and gums,...I had to have help, but that is how I got through it. If it can help you accomplish your end goal that is all that matters,..being a NON-SMOKER. Also remember,..this is not only about laying down the cigarettes,..this is about changing your lifestyle. You need to find NEW things to do, things that arent associated with smoking. Then you have to deal with the things you HAVE to do that is connected to smoking,like driving,etc.,... My biggest thing to get over was talking on the phone. I always had a cigarette. I quit talking to anyone on the phone for a long time and everyone understood. Now when I talk on the phone I walk the floor and I never stay on the phone very long now. I am nowhere the same person I was before Sept. 5, 2008 and I don't care to be. It is a life changing decision and you have to be prepared to change with it. Kick that monsters A$$!


Super Self-Sufficient
Sep 12, 2008
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NOT Southern, Ca. :)
Jason you are taking on amazing feat and like everything you do YOU will champion this goal..

I guess on thing I want to say is that this is one of the most important things you could ever do for yourself and your family. My dh was your age in 2007 when he as a smoker had a cold sore that wound not heal. In a matter of a week he was diagnosed with Squamous Cell Carcinoma. He was not even a heavy smoker, maybe a half pack a day. They say that there are contributing factors. Other carcinogens that were present, sugar feeding the cancer, alcohol turning to sugar and then the smoking on top of that. We went through He!! for about 3 months with an extensive surgery to remove the cancerous tissues as well as part of his jaw bone and 9 teeth. We had amazing doctors and dental specialist that put him back together again. And we have been in the clear for almost two years. Thank goodness!!

I would never wish this on anyone even my worst enemies or their families. So you win my vote for go getter of the week. Quiting smoking has got to be awful and painful but not as bad as the alternative.

I guess I just wanted you to know how proud we all are of you. Sorry for being so sappy. It is very hard for me to express how much I despise the cigarette industry and what it does to people and their families.



Always doing laundry
Oct 31, 2008
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Okay, here is my dirty little secret....I was a social smoker when I was in my 20s. I never smoked a lot but it was still hard when I decided to quit. Not nearly as hard as I imagine it is for you but everytime I went out with friends I wanted one, especially if we were drinking (which I quit too, btw). I finally just kept telling myself every time I got a craving that it would make me sick. I just kept visualizing myself throwing up if I smoked one. Then slowly, day by day as I kept telling myself this every time I got a craving, it really did come true. I physically would get ill everytime I was around it. It is strange how the mind works.

You'll find the right combination of things that work for you. I know you can do it! Just stay positive and know that you have our support. We aren't going to judge you if you cave and give in, we all have our addictions. Food and weight are a lot of people's cigarettes, remember that. Lots of us struggle with it every day and we are with you! We have been trying to get rid of all the processed crap in our house and it takes time to deal with the cravings....Free can tell you all about it.

We all have your back, Jay!!! :hugs


Almost Self-Reliant
May 12, 2009
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North Central Miss'ippy
I second that amen!

MP, lots of good advice being given! Mind over matter, man!
I believe lori had a great strategy, it really is the mental part that I have had the hardest time with.

Sooooo, how many days has it been? How many nasties have you NOT smoked? Look back over your accomplishments and gloat, dude!


Mountain Man
Feb 27, 2009
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In the woods with the critters
Oh.... I got this thing whipped already, had such a panic attack Monday, but I needed that to understand my level of addiction. I spent fours hours here taking a on-line seminar yesterday. For the cost 3 cartons of smokes...


Even though they encourage you to smoke while you watch it, I didn't as I had already made some milestones.

You know whats funny, all the fear mongering about what will happen to you if you quit, LOL... Sure I had a panic attack, but I had never tried to quit before, so I didn't know what to expect. But I am not a out of control nut case, I am not lashing out at people because I don't think I am miserable or I am giving something up.

I have gotten rid of a filthy addiction to nicotine, it controlled my life in so many aspects, and now I am free. I am no longer a slave to the weed.

Do you have fear when you think about stop smoking? Thats a lie made up by the companys to keep you smoking. Other smokers also know that its a anti social thing as well as they are as miserable as you for smoking, so they will say things to keep you from stop smoking.

Sure I get urges and pangs, this is very new thing to me, and change always time to adjust.

It use to be, so my mind reminded me today, that first thing when I hit the office, grab that cup of joe and off to my office to smoke my first ciggie of the day. I use to say it lifts me up, than if a problem popped up I'd have a ciggie to calm me down. That just doesn't make sense, how could a ciggie lift you up and down? That way of thinking is part of trap of smoking... Whats really happening is the the last ciggie you had created the reason why your lighting a cigge up again.

It was odd huddled with my cup of joe without the enemy reaching into my lungs and slowly bringing me to my death.
What I did find, how wonderful that cup of joe smelt and tasted.

I know I will never again use a product or smoke anything with nicotine in it again, ever... Its way to addictive, and if I should get out of this problem now I don't want to go through with trying to quit again.

If I am lucky, hoping that I am, I will have my health and still be free from lung cancer or all the others that go along with it.

I smoked somewhere between 11/2 to 2 packs a day. Just a week ago I was still smoking like there was no end, and today, I am smoke free....

You know what I am ashamed of? How my house smells.... Never around the kids, after they went to bed, or down stairs... It smells much like a wet dog that has rolled in a ash tray. Dw and I are going to start cleaning this weekend.

I know some of the smell will remain, but a good scrubbing will help clean it.

I know I will never smoke again, not even a puff, or dip. The stuff is so addictive and you get hooked almost right away. I wanna live not kill myself.....

If you smoke, stop it, buy the book easy way to stop smoking by allen carr read it while your smoking, puff away. Than after you read it, decide if you want to continue to smoke. You couldn't pay me to start smoking again.

YIPPEEEE I am a NON-SMOKER..... I am free of the monster, he is dieing more and more each day..... Soon he will be dead!!!! :weee


Mountain Man
Feb 27, 2009
Reaction score
In the woods with the critters

As I sit here with my 1st cup of joe, not a single pang/desire to have a smoke.

Whats funny is that at times I find myself reaching for my smokes....

I thought it would take WEEKS to get where I am today, its been 3 days without a single ciggie and I have almost zero cravings and I have NO desire to smoke..... What people say about the doom and stress of quitting isn't correct. Yes the first 24 hours was a bit nerve racking, I did panic once and went and got a pack and smoked a few.....

But I turned it around and got back on track......

I can smell again....

Oh wow.... I gotta tell yall this.... I am not a big snacky person, but yesterday I purchased a pack of pizza flavored Combos while I was in town. Now, this would be a snack I like and often purchase as a treat to myself. But oh my, it was the bestest pack I had ever eaten...... My full sense of taste is back.... :pop :celebrate

No more shallow breathing, though my hands tingle, my lips feel odd, I am sure its my body getting back to where it should be...

:weee :clap :weee :clap :weee :clap

I am a non-smoker, no longer a slave to the weed....... If you would have told me Monday that I would be smoke free today, I would have thought you were nuts.

I am not saying its a breeze to quit, its not. But it isn't nearly as hard as people say it is. Its just a few days of pangs and habits.

I didn't give smoking up, I got rid of a bad habit... One that was controlling many aspects of my life....

If you smoke, and wanna stop, just give it up..... Put it down and walk away..... Give it a couple days and see how you feel.....

Oh look at me, I sound like one of those ex-smokers that has turned into a radical anti smoker....

I'm not, I am just so pleased with my progress and all that fear about all the things that would happen to me if I quit. NONE of those BIG fears even ever happened....


Mountain Man
Feb 27, 2009
Reaction score
In the woods with the critters
I also want to add, perhaps that movie Food Inc helped my mind to decide to quit smoking. When I did that online seminar I learned that the ciggie companies are in kahoots with the goverment as well as making a product strictly for profit with disregard to our personal safety....

If you want to stop smoking, you can in just 5 hours.....


This will teach you and your mind to be smoke free..... I know the cost is $149.00 but I would have paid thousands if I knew it would work, the fact it does work, I got it cheap, and the added years to my own life is priceless...

ETA; Look if you want to stop smoking, if you want a loved one to stop, this is the way to do it. I have joined over 10 million other non-smokers using this simple method.

remember I user to smoke 30-40 cigs a day......