Crazy Cat Lady
Jelly isn't so much "stored fruit" as it is "stored sugar, with some fruit you've boiled the heck out of".Cassandra said:I know that technically, Jelly is stored fruit. But nutritionwise, I mean... considering the possibility that you could eat half a cup of blackberry jelly (or would try really hard if you were trying to stave off vitamin deficiency health issues)... would it do you any good? Is there enough nutrition in there for it to even be considered food?
It is a good source of empty calories, which if you are in need of a quick pick-me-up is not so bad, and can enable you to make tasty beverages and desserts with otherwise not much in the way of ingredients.
There is a little bit of vit C and other vitamins in there, but not NEAR as much as in fresh (or even most canned) fruit and you would have to eat a lot of sugar on the way to getting those vitamins
So, I don't think it makes a lot of reality-based sense to regard jellies and jams as an investment in nutrition. However they have other virtues and I for one am gonna keep on making them