Mountain Sage
I have the CXs birds for my first meaty birds...usually I just cull nonlayers and extra roos for meat. I bought 20 of them this year at TSC to put under one of my broodies.Mackay said:Goodluck on the meat chickens Bekissed. Im thinking of doing the same. It would be a local product that other people are not doing.
What type of chicken are you doing? I was thinking of those sussex crosses.
We processed 12 of them today, my mother and I, and found out a few things about these birds. It was interesting and we have quite a bit of meat....but I don't know if I will ever raise them again. They all finished out big and healthy, except the obvious health problems of being too heavy for their own bones.
I have a thread on BYC documenting their progress as free ranged meat birds and will post pics there tomorrow of the finished birds, the killing cones made from bleach jugs, the wagonload of birds awaiting slaughter.