old fashioned
Almost Self-Reliant
Please share this info ...most harvests are by trial and error, some years better than others. I don't do anything special, just dig a hole, place in tater and cover, as it sprouts and grows I add more dirt. I "reuse" old tires and 1/2 barrels for easier harvesting-less digging and damaged taters. One year I did get one potato that was large enough to feed the 4 of us, plus a friend of DH AND some left over. It was HUGE-just wish I knew how to do that again.DrakeMaiden said:Good reminder, modern pioneer . . . by the way, I think you were the one who mentioned your method of growing potatoes last year and I just wanted to say "THANK YOU!" I grew both the biggest potato harvest yet and the biggest actual potatoes I have ever grown . . . although I honestly like the smaller potatoes a little better. But I won't complain.