Just wanted to share that today is . . .


Don't Quote Me
Jul 20, 2008
Reaction score
East Tenn.
Thanks for all the warm wishes. :hugs

I love reading all the different stories ya'll have shared.

Morel, 20 more years is what I told DH that I wanted for this anniversary.

Our plans for this evening: I cooked one of his favorite meals - chicken with biscuits and gravy, mashed taters, and green beans. My Dad and DS best friend ate with us. Later, we are going to settle down on the couch and watch "Horten Hears A Who"


Don't Quote Me
Jul 20, 2008
Reaction score
East Tenn.
Cassandra said:
punkin, you are my hero! Twenty years seems like such a gosh awful long time. LOL I hope I do as well as you.

Long time ago, before the internet made it to Mississippi, we had local BBS's. A woman named Judy had eight 2400 baud modems in a back room of her brothers sporting goods store. It was like an 8 line chat room. And since it would have been long distance to call from elsewhere, all the people who used it were local. So we were all friends IRL and got together to watch movies and have parties and go out and stuff.

John & I were both married to other people at the time when we first "met." So we were casual acquaintances for a couple of years before we ever started dating. It was a fun little group. Whenever someone new would find the BBS, we'd eventually lure them into a real life meeting. So whichever 6 or 8 of us were online at the time would all just drop what we were doing and go meet somewhere--often the gas station that was stone-throwing distance from my house.

We would show up in three or four cars and loiter outside the gas station for a couple of hours, then go home. LOL It was a small town. Not much else to do. ;) That's how I met John. We got to know each other while rehearsing in a garage band together.

Now ask me how I met my first husband. The one I married when I was 17. It's starts out like... I was hitchhiking down a deserted stretch of hwy 583 about 10:30 one night... :lol:

OK, I'm gonna ask. "What's the rest of the story?"


Revolution in Progress
Aug 3, 2008
Reaction score
Southern California
Congrats on your big milestone...20 years is really something to be proud of!

Dh and I met when I was 15 and out walking my dog. He pulled up in a little pick up truck with his friends. He asked 'if I give you my phone number will you call me?' I said yes...and the rest is history.

We will be married 20 years in August :) (together for 26)


Yard Farmer
Oct 13, 2008
Reaction score
Eastern CT
Here's our story:
I had been working in elementary schools for a few years. Most of the teachers were female and the few that were men were married. Then I got a job where I was working in a high school two afternoons a week. One day I spotted this tall guy with dark hair and blue eyes. He smiled and said hi when he passed me in the hallway. That night I called my mother and told her I'd seen the man I was going to marry. She asked what his name was; I had no idea. I eventually had a conversation with my boss about my social life and how it was going nowhere. I mentioned this guy. Not long after that she was talking with the Director of Special Ed. and for some reason this subject came up. It turns out this guy was friends with the director and had was having a tough time in a relationship he was in. His parting comments were, "I just want to meet someone tall with half a brain." Lightbulbs started going off and we were soon fixed up with each other. We'll have been married 19 years this June.
Side note: my parents met working in a school together. My mother's parents met working a school together. My husband's parents met working in a school together. I always figured I'd meet my husband while working in a school.
Additional side note: We met each other in CT. My parents are from Upstate NY. My husband grew up in Westchester County NY. His mother's aunt was my mother's "Master Teacher" when she was pregnant with ME! It was fate......


Our Frustrated Curmudgeon
Jul 25, 2008
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Urban Idaho.
Henrietta23 said:
dacjohns said:
Happy Anniversary.

35 years for us.
You can't be all that curmudgeonly then, can you??
Oh yes I can. I'm not sure why she puts up with me. I know that I am lost without her.


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 12, 2008
Reaction score
Thirty five years! :bow

My first husband meeting.

I was hitchhiking down a very dark and scary deserted stretch of highway about ten thirty at night. A guy, Ron and his cousin Brenda stopped to pick me up. They asked where I was going. I told them and they said they weren't going that way, but did I want to go bar hopping with them. I said yes because I didn't want to keep walking on that road all alone.

We went to a few bars. Then, Ron asked me if I wanted to go to his house with them and he'd take me home the next morning. I said sure. (I was fearless when I was 17!) So, shockingly enough, nothing traumatic happened. I went back to his house where he, Brenda and a couple of guys she'd picked up continued to party.

I'd gotten pretty bored with the whole ordeal by about five in the morning, because while I was "cool" I wasn't really much of a partier. I was always more of a ... an observer, I guess. Anyway, they took me home the next morning right around daylight. I honestly didn't think I would ever see any of them again. I thanked them for a nice evening and getting me home. LOL

About a week later, I was kicking a soccer ball around with my younger brother in a vacant lot behind our house. Some guy drove by slowly and yells out my nickname (with a question mark after it as if to inquire if that was who I was.) I nodded. He pointed to the passenger beside him and yelled out, "Ron!" I waved. They turned around and came back. The driver was Brian. He and Ron had come to see if they could find me. Brian was a year older than me. He asked me if I wanted to go to (the nearest town where you could buy liquor) and I said yeah. Told my brother I'd be home later. We went & bought some cheap wine. Probably Strawberry Hill. I was never much of a drinker, but I could sip on Strawberry Hill enough to look like I was participating. LOL

We rode around aimlessly for just hours. We got married probably six months later.



Don't Quote Me
Jul 20, 2008
Reaction score
East Tenn.
dacjohns said:
Happy Anniversary.

35 years for us.
WOW!! That's a long time for her to wash your underwear. :gig

Congratulations and many more. . .

(edited for spelling, you know being dacjohns and all)


Don't Quote Me
Jul 20, 2008
Reaction score
East Tenn.
Cassandra said:
Thirty five years! :bow

My first husband meeting.

I was hitchhiking down a very dark and scary deserted stretch of highway about ten thirty at night. A guy, Ron and his cousin Brenda stopped to pick me up. They asked where I was going. I told them and they said they weren't going that way, but did I want to go bar hopping with them. I said yes because I didn't want to keep walking on that road all alone.

We went to a few bars. Then, Ron asked me if I wanted to go to his house with them and he'd take me home the next morning. I said sure. (I was fearless when I was 17!) So, shockingly enough, nothing traumatic happened. I went back to his house where he, Brenda and a couple of guys she'd picked up continued to party.

I'd gotten pretty bored with the whole ordeal by about five in the morning, because while I was "cool" I wasn't really much of a partier. I was always more of a ... an observer, I guess. Anyway, they took me home the next morning right around daylight. I honestly didn't think I would ever see any of them again. I thanked them for a nice evening and getting me home. LOL

About a week later, I was kicking a soccer ball around with my younger brother in a vacant lot behind our house. Some guy drove by slowly and yells out my nickname (with a question mark after it as if to inquire if that was who I was.) I nodded. He pointed to the passenger beside him and yelled out, "Ron!" I waved. They turned around and came back. The driver was Brian. He and Ron had come to see if they could find me. Brian was a year older than me. He asked me if I wanted to go to (the nearest town where you could buy liquor) and I said yeah. Told my brother I'd be home later. We went & bought some cheap wine. Probably Strawberry Hill. I was never much of a drinker, but I could sip on Strawberry Hill enough to look like I was participating. LOL

We rode around aimlessly for just hours. We got married probably six months later.

You were quite the rebel when you were younger, weren't you?

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