JUSTUSNAK...Summer coming to an end!?


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 15, 2008
Reaction score
SE Indiana
Round 2 of this snowstorm...this one might be the kicker!
Its all over the news..SEVERAL inches, is all they will say. Looks like we might get about 8 to 10. I locked the chicken coops up tight last night....couldn't get the doors on the turkey hut closed, they were frozen opened...and my achy body would let me do no more.
I hired the neighbor kid to help me throw fresh bedding in the barn, and all the coops. Hopeing everyone will stay a little warmer. Then, I got up this morning, and realised, I didnt put poor little Mary in the barn. She is standing out there in the snow..looking pitifull. There is no reason she cant go in by herself, other than fear of Nellie. I can barely move this morning, so she will just have to tough it out, for a bit longer, untill I loosen up these bones.
The snow is coming straight down....small flakes. Grampa used to say, when the flakes are small, the amount will be tall. Just might hold true with this one. The snow is pretty...and makes everything hush outside..but dangit! IM DONE!! I want spring..green grass, baby chicks, little lambs, and garden seeds pushing through the rich soil.
OK, I know, in the back of your minds, your thinking....GO GET THAT LITTLE EWE IN THE BARN!!!! I am, im headed out there now! LOL
Have to get on the several layers of clothing before I can head out.


Mountain Man
Feb 27, 2009
Reaction score
In the woods with the critters
Debbie I was thinking if we work together we should be able to push the storm over Ginas neck of the woods. :) She doesn't mind snow either!

Doc called me in a prescription yesterday I am hoping to get better soon. Hope you get better as well. If you have some tea it will help sooth your mind/body as well as help fight your cold. All you can do is relax and take it easy.


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 15, 2008
Reaction score
SE Indiana
modern_pioneer said:
Debbie I was thinking if we work together we should be able to push the storm over Ginas neck of the woods. :) She doesn't mind snow either!

Doc called me in a prescription yesterday I am hoping to get better soon. Hope you get better as well. If you have some tea it will help sooth your mind/body as well as help fight your cold. All you can do is relax and take it easy.
Hey, now thats a good idea!! I will go get all my fans....get them plugged in, and start blowing it to Gina....you do the same. :p Gina! Here comes YOUR snow!
I am getting ready to go make my tea now...all the outside chores are done...and its time to settle in for the night...well, after I get some wood in. It never ends...sick or not.
My Dr did call in a prescription...but I cant get to town today to go get it. Hopefully tomorrow...I will slowly creap into town. I need my C PAC! :)


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 15, 2008
Reaction score
SE Indiana
15 Feb 10

Wow, finally getting back on my feet...from the pneumonia.
So, again, the weatherman says..." get your shovels out, more snow" Oh, Im gonna get my shovel alright...and bash in the TV. I am sick of snow....here I was getting my garden plans together...sorting seeds, getting ready to start my tomatos and peppers....and we get more snow. I even fired up the incubator...getting "spring chicks" Yeah...even them peeping in the backround doesnt hide the fact that there is more snow falling...its coming down pretty good. They are saying another 6 inches.... :th
So, I tucked the seeds away for a few more weeks...quieted the chicks...and now I am fighting the woodstove, that decided, it doesnt like the wood I offered this morning. Its sticking its tongue out at me every time the furnace kicks in! :tongue Oh, but I showed it!! I got some great kindling pieces...black walnut...little strips. Take THAT! HA! That will learn ya dern ya! Like offering candy to a kid...it gladly accepted the black walnut strips...and is now snap, crackling and popping. Who's the boss now I say!?? MWAHAhahahahaha!! I am the fire queen!!
So, my plans to run into town...well, I dont think I will be going. Oh, the chickens are going to be VERY upset, when I go out there and I dont have my peace offering of scratch grains. :rolleyes: I have some greens in the fridge...hopefully that will tide them over...for a bit. Chickens on scratch (crack) ya dont give the offering when you go in, and there are some mighty evil glares. :hide Maybe I will take the hatchet in with me and "warn them" :gig I can almost hear the roosters whispering..." now ladies, hush, because.. To THEM, you are food" And me replying... GET IN MY TUMMY!!! :lol:
So, I guess I will just have to find another plan, to occupy my time today...maybe I will bake cookies...yeah, and put on some Christmas music...make believe its the holidays again, with all this snow. I can see hubby carting me off to the big house, with nice nurses and thier little white tight fitting long sleeved jacket for me.
Looks like coffee, and the internet today...well, after I trudge through 2 feet of snow, 300+ yards to the barn, to feed the sheep....then 600+ yards to the chicken coops....to feed the 8 pens of chickens, and the ducks, and the 2 pens of Turkeys...then back to the house...where I plan to....stay...untill the 5 o'clock chores come around. Im gonna go sit with the chicks...under the heat lamp...and daydream a bit.


City Biddy
Aug 6, 2008
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Missouri USA
Sitting under the heat lamp sounds like the perfect plan for the day! Think of me while you are resting there. I am afraid I am going to have to go back to work to get some rest. :lol:


Revolution in Progress
Aug 3, 2008
Reaction score
Southern California
Sorry to hear about the snow! I am sure you are sick of it!

Glad to hear that you are feeling better though :) AND you have chicks to sit with! There is always a silver lining ;)


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 15, 2008
Reaction score
SE Indiana
Dace said:
Sorry to hear about the snow! I am sure you are sick of it!

Glad to hear that you are feeling better though :) AND you have chicks to sit with! There is always a silver lining ;)
Yup, and I am bound to find it...that silver lineing. LOL
Altho, one chick hatched is blind..and I cant bring myself to off it. So, hand feeding and watering it, every few hours. UGH!


Mountain Man
Feb 27, 2009
Reaction score
In the woods with the critters
I am with you 100% Debbie, were about to get 3-6 more inches and to be honest, there's no place left to put any more.

Glad to hear your doing better, and me, its just about gone I think. I will continue to finish off meds and hope that will keep it away.

Reading about your long walks to the animals, I don't think I have ever worn my Muck Master all the way up until this winter. They did cost an arm and a leg, but they sure keep my feet and lower legs warm in the deep snow.

:lol: them chickens.... My girls are grateful that I covered their pen prior to the big snow storms. At least they can dig around in the straw and get some fresh air.

You have hatched some eggs already? :clap How often do you hatch chicks in a year?

Think SPRING.....


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 15, 2008
Reaction score
SE Indiana
Well, we just spent 2 hours hand shoveling the drive. Its about 300 ft long. :th Hubby is going to try to make it to work, but if the roads are too bad, he said he will just turn around, and come home. We have about 8 inches already, and its still coming down strong. Visibility is about 1/2 mile. I think snow should be considered one of "those" 4 letter words...at least it is here! :gig
MP, I hatch all year long. Especially in the winter..when I am snowed in, I have babies in the laundry room, to keep my mind off the snow. This last hatch was silkies ( 3) , and Welsummers(5). Ducks are going in next. ( a dozen)
I really dont know what to do with this little blind one tho. I have to hand feed it and water it several times a day, prolly for the next few months....then it will have to be in a cage alone..so it doesnt get picked on. I just cant bring myself to end its life. :( I have 2 more wellies hatching, then I can clean the bator, and start all over. :D Woohoo! :ya Baby ducks...gotta love em!
MP, what did the Dr give ya? Mine gave me a Z Pack. Its 5 days of strong antibiotics. By day 3, I was up at at em. Glad to hear you are feeling better. Winter is hard enough without being sick too!

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