Lovin' The Homestead
Glad you're home and feeling better! 
J. Thanks for those words of wisdom. So far...I dont even want to smoke. I dont miss it at all. My Dr told me to get the E Cigg, so we did. I charged it on my laptop....and there it sits...unused. I really have NO desires for one. I think this will be a slow recovery....but it will come. I WILL BEAT THIS!!!!! LOLmodern_pioneer said:Look Debbie, seriously, take a moment and sit there and read this post. Take it in and let it be a pillar for support.
Look, as you get well, I know that you are going to have some drama for the next coming weeks over smoking. I know it isn't that hard, and will power has nothing to do with it. Its understanding it that allowed me to get through it. I know that living with a smoker makes this even harder for you, and you will need some will power to not return to smoking.
Now is your time to stop this, stop killing yourself, sure we are all gonna die, but no need to hurry it along by smoking.
Today, even with my personal troubles, I never returned to smoking. The change my body has had can't be put into words. I feel better, taste food better, and don't smell. People who smoke have no idea just how bad they smell.
Keep moving forward, you don't need to smoke, it has no power to improve the quality of your life, and you can save the money you would spend on something better, like a vacation..
Thought I would let you know, that Kombucha is very good at helping clean out the lungs, once smoking is given up.justusnak said:17 Feb 2011
I am feeling a lot better, still taking it slow. I am back to caring for the animals....just taking my time. They all seem to be happy to see me.
I am taking it slow, easy...I for SURE don't want a relaps.
Tomorrow is hubbys B Day...the big 50! I wish I was feeling better so we could have planned a big black , over the hill party...however...neither of us are feeling 100 % . Seems he is coming down with the chest yuk now.
Today was windy, and not too we turned off the furnace, opened the house, got out the pinesol..and cleaned....cleaned....cleaned!! Now that there is no more smoking in the really needed the good cleaning. good, smoke free! Woohoo! I really don't miss it either. I am enjoying breathing!!!
I know it will take some time to get back up to par...but I am on the way. Whew! That was a tough one. I hope everyone out there stays healthy! Spring is just around the corner....I am getting antsy to get in the garden....clean coops...barns....pastures...come on spring!!!!!!