justusnak said:Here we are...Christmas is upon us. Are we all ready?? HECK NO!!! I still have to make the pumpkin bread, Banana nut bread, pumpkin pie, Chocolate chip cookies, I have ONE more day to get it done...tomorrow. Plus, I have to go to the feed store tomorrow, and the store, before noon! Today was a wasted day, as far as getting anything done around here....other than....taking in a SWAN! Yep, thats right...a Mute Swan came into the rescue...and they asked me to take it in. ( you know, because I have nothing else to do) The story we are getting on the swan is....it is a youngen. This last springs hatch. Apparently it flew into power lines, and hit the ground hard. Someone got it and took it to an Avian vet, where it was taken care of for a few days. Then the vet called our rescue, and said if we can't come get it, it will be put down. :/ Poor thing. Seems to be fine...I don't know a whole lot about them, but, I can tell you...they are MEAN AS DEVILS!!!!! See, we placed it in a stall...with a big trough of water, and a pan of feed. I didn't want it on the pond due to its neurological status. Seems to be still very disoriented. So, we put the crate in the stall...made sure the fencing was secure so it couldn't get out....and I placed the water and feed just outside the door of the crate. Took the door off the crate, and stepped out, fully expecting this thing to shoot out of there like a demon. It looked at me, cocked it head, and gave a loud hiss! YIKES! I jumped back, and secured the stall door. Leaving it to recover from the trip. After about 2 hrs, I went to check on it....still in the crate. Now I was worried, thinking maybe it can't walk or stand? So, I went in...sheepishly...and tipped up the crate, sliding the swan out of the crate. Now I am wondering HOW did they get this MONSTER in that medium crate?? It came out of there like " the blob" and just sat on the straw floor. I splashed in the water...shook the feed pan...it just watched me, not even trying to stand. So, again, I leave the stall....talking softly to this creature...backing out. I took a few pictures...but wanted to see just how tall it was...so I got a broom handle, and gently poked at it to try to make it stand...nothing...this worried me...so I poked it a few more times....O M G !!!!! This monster jumped up...beat the broom stick with its massive 6 ft wing span, grabbed the broomstick in its beak, and was trying to wrestle it from my hands. There was NO WAY I was letting go of that stick. I was afraid if it had a weapon, it might use it on me!!! It finally let go and I retreated from the area. I tell ya, I think I peed a little. Scared the stuffing out of me! The sheep ran from the barn..as if this monster was chasing them. Of course, the swan can not get out of the stall, so the sheep are safe...I think. LOL
So, I decided to leave the monster sleep...and I came back to the house. After about an hour, I looked out to the barn, and the sheep are standing at the door, looking in, and bawling. So I get my boots on again...and head out to the barn, to make sure the swan was not loose. Oh, its not...but the sheep are too scared to go in the barn, for now. I was able to get them in with some feed...and let them know that the monster in the cage could not get them. My little April walked over to investigate the creature in the stall, and the swan gave a loud hiss. Poor April...ran from the barn like she was lit on fire. I guess the sheep will be sleeping outside tonight.So, here are a few pictures I snapped of the beast.
Peek-a-boo....I see you!
Here it is...in all its glory...well, sorta
By the coloring, I know it is a young swan. By next spring, after it moults, the brown coloring will be gone.
What are my plans?? Oh, I have NO IDEA!! There is NO WAY I am turning this monster loose on MY property...HECK NO!!! I am hoping to find it a home next spring...I think...at least....thats the plan for now.