JUSTUSNAK...Summer coming to an end!?


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
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Fallston, MD
Weather is weird here too, very mild winter. I'm real nervous about the temps and bugs come summer time... Not looking forward to that part! I guess we'll see. It was a mild winter, maybe we can get a mild summer with no nasty thunderstorms!


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 15, 2008
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SE Indiana
rathbone said:
Beets? I love pickled beets. I don't actually know if I like them any other way. And beet tops. I love beet greens with vinegar.
I have a "secret" recipe for pickled beets....even my finicky little sister BEGS for my beets. :p Hubby and I can't get enough....so I am planting 3 times what I normally plant.
The winds today are....well....WOW!!! We had a little micro burst this morning....and I actually thought it was going to take the roof off! All of my windows were rattling, as were the front and back doors...and the garage doors! It has been blowing all day pretty good, 20 to 30 mph, with gust's to 40, and snowing off and on. At least the snow is NOT sticking. So tomorrow will be a busy day, Aly and E Might be coming in from Ohio....with their 6 kids. It really depends on if they get snow. Then the rescue I work with is buying a 2 horse bumper pull trailer....and delivering it here. I will store it for them, and have free use of it! :D This will be handy when we have pigs to haul to butcher.
That is about it....I have to get this house straightened up...going to be busy tonight. Whew!


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 15, 2008
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SE Indiana
Well, here we are at the end of March....or towards the end of March....and the weather is still crazy! My little beets and peas are coming up, and I could NOT be happier. It won't be long until I will be in a canning frenzy, I hope....pickling beets! Yeah!!
So I decided to let Freedom go to another home. It was sad seeing him in the trailer...as they drove off...but he will be MUCH happier I am sure. He is going to a great farm where there are 2 other Mini's for him to run and play with. He and Fred, my Pygmy buck were just NOT getting along. AT ALL! I mean, they were torturing each other...Freedom grabbed Fred up by the back hair, and was flinging him around like a rag doll....then he dropped Fred, and started stomping him with his front feet!!! Poor Fred....nope, Fred got up, and although he was bleeding from his nose and was limping, he went right back after Freedom. :th Those 2 were wearing me out! I had them in separate pastures there towards the end, and Fred was tearing up the gate, trying to get to Freedom. So, Freedom is now in a great home...and I can go visit any time. :)
I hatched out 17 ducks, and was able to trade them all at one week old, for 20 Buff Orpington chicks, 2 months old. 3 more months or so, and I will have PLENTY eggs! :weee Hatching more ducks, I added Buff Runners to this batch, and have 10 turkey eggs in the othr bator. My turkey girls are laying little fools! This weekend I am hoping to get the green beans planted....still waiting on my tomato seeds to grow. I have 20 Roma's planted. If they don't start doing something soon, I will have to buy plants...UGH! Spring fever is getting to me, I want to see green in the garden again! :p
The 2 blood hounds we are fostering are growing like weeds! WOW! Hope they will go in soon for neutering. They are starting to fight for dominance...even tho my Pomeranian Muncher puts them in their place. :lol: They are wearing me out too! Last weekend they chewed through my internet cable in the back yard. I couldn't get a repairman out until today...After he left, I buried the cable, ( they wanted $150 to bury a 15 ft cable) finished it up, and put the pups outside so I could go do the evening chores. 45 minutes later, I went to get the boys, and they had pulled up about 5 ft of the cable. :barnie Thankfully they did not chew it....so I drug them over to it, and scolded them harshly....and put them in the kennel. I hope they learn soon! My back yard looks like bombs went off out there....holes everywhere! They don't spend a lot of time out there, maybe an hr at a time...that's all they need to get their digging in. They have plenty toys out there...so Im not sure what else to do! I fill the holes with their feces...and cover it with a little dirt...this worked for my Golden Retriever when he was a pup...hoping it works with these 2.
I worked 3 days last week at MUTC, as a roll player. The scenario was " Nuclear bomb went off in Indy" We all had great "wounds" Moulage was GREAT!!!!

My arm....crispy! LOL

A friends leg wound.

My leg from day 2.

They asked me to do 3 different "injects" or side plays. The first one was hard...I was in a bombed out 2 story building...where my "son" fell out of the opening, into a 6 ft tall concrete hole that they would NOT be able to see him in. I had to stay there until I was able to make sure they found my son. Because we lost our oldest son less than 2 years ago, I was able to cry easily....the second one I had a "baby doll" that was obviously "deceased" I was not to let them take my " baby" from me...I was convinced she was OK, and just needed a Dr. Apparently my sobbing worked well...a friend of mine was in the last tent when they brought me in, sobbing and rocking my "baby" and she ran out of the tent crying. They had to get the Chaplain to calm her down. She said it was "too real" even tho she had never lost a child....I felt so bad...after I was finished there, I went and hugged her and cried with her, telling her I was so sorry. The Chaplain said...." you did exactly what they wanted you to do, and you did it well. Even a few of the military were effected by your acting" My last "inject" was....I was a "battered wife" I picked my "husband" and the scene was...he was dragging me to get medical help, and I wanted to go back and save my animals. LOL. He was dragging and yelling at me, I was sobbing and pulling away, then he "smacked" me....WOW, I never have seen so many military men jump a person. In less than 2 seconds, they had him on the ground, and in handcuffs, and was dragging him off to "jail" He was screaming at me, I was bawling" LOL It really was a lot of fun....but mentally exhausting. It took me all weekend to recoup. There is another one in April, I hope I can do...then the "big one" July 28th - August 30th. 33 days!!! Will be some great money...close to $5grand! I just hope I am up for it. LOL So, that is what I have been up to....dogs, donkeys, and roll playing. :)


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 14, 2011
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Wow! Those are some nasty and realistic looking wounds! :sick What an interesting thing to do, and get paid for it too! I have to say though - you are a MUCH stronger woman than I am! At the 2 year mark of our oldest son's passing, I was still pretty much a vegetable! I think it took until the 3 year mark before I quit bursting out in tears at weird and awkward moments :p Even now (this Sunday will be the 8 year anniversary of his accident), I would absolutely struggle with the scenarios you described!
Then again, they want realism, and they most certainly got it!


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
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Mountains of WV
That makeup was amazing! Very professional job! I did this once for the fire dept. but sure didn't have that good of realism nor did we get paid. They sort of volunteered my nursing class for the draumatization. Good to hear from you on here, J!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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I'd love to do something like that, but I've never heard of it being done around here.


Jun 27, 2011
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I'm glad Freedom is going to a home where he will have other minis to play with. I hope he gets along with them better than Fred!

Have you tried putting cayenne pepper sauce on your cable? We did that and it worked.

I would love to just watch an exercise like you did! To see how others react!


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 15, 2008
Reaction score
SE Indiana
SSDreamin : I too am still struggling with the loss of our son, he was 29, and a great father....I wear my emotions on my sleeve....and cry a lot still....One reason I like to do these jobs, it lets me cry, scream, get angry...and I get paid to do it. :/
Thanks Bee....life has been so busy here, so much going on I don't even want to get into it...but..I will try to get on here more often. LOL
Deb....search...Roll Playing Companies. There are a LOT of them out there, and they work all over the USA. If you have a military installation near you, I bet they do these... Some pay better than others... For me it is not about the pay.well...sorta, but...MORE so I can help train our military! Just knowing I can make it as real as possible, so these young men and women can "experience real tragedy"
Snap Shot.... I too am so glad I found him a great home. I am sure he will be MUCH happier...as will Fred! The cable is buried under the ground...and they dug it up, to chew on it! CRAZY pups!
If you look up MUTC...It is here in Indiana...I think they have short videos, and pictures from several of the exercises we have done out there. :)

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