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big brown horse
Hoof In Mouth
ORChick to the rescue!!!
All good to know. 

Too funny free.freemotion said:Tee-hee! Mine have multiplied so much lately that they will form a raft on top and the bottom milk stays milky and not kefir-y unless I shake the jar gently mid-day. I recently removed most of them and dried them so now I have a safety net if I kill mine. I had to take some more out and they are drying, so if anyone needs some, check in with me.
The ones in the jar loved all the new room they have and are outgrowing it already! Yes, this is the easiest ferment on the list. My kitchen gets quite cold and quite warm and those grains just keep on kefir-ing!
A swab test would also reveal a lot of dust, wood ash, and cat hair!noobiechickenlady said:Free, I wonder what a swab test would turn up at your place. I bet you have a ton of good beasties floating around. All of your ferments just seem to take off.![]()
Dace, if your grain (you only have one lump so far?) is doing what you need it to do, with a bit extra, as it sounds like it is, then certainly you can divide it for your friend. I imagine cutting would be fine, though I usually pull the big ones in half. Later on, when you have more than you need, or can give away, then you can add them to the blender for your smoothies, to get an added boost of probiotics, or you can feed them to the animals. My hens think they are a treat!Dace said:I bumped my jar size up from an 8 oz-er to a 16.
Then I started wondering if I could cut my fatty little grain in half and give to a dear friend whose family
I have just put on track
for a healthier diet!