Emerald, I hope that I have not promised more than I can deliver :/. The grains that I started re-hydrating last week (from the same batch as those I sent you) are still not doing much. The grains are softening, and appear as they ought, but I'm not getting any thickening of the milk at all yet. Could be that I'm just changing the milk too often, and not giving it a chance; so today I left them in yesterday's milk. We'll see. They are smelling as I remember from the last time I did this, which gives me hope.Emerald said:ORChick I got a chance to get in to the post and your packet is on the way and I look forward to getting Kefir going !!!! I've read thru this thread twice! and since I have done Kombucha I am very familiar with Dom's site so will be reading that and the other links provided.
I found that I don't like yogurt.. at allbut when I make my own for my kids and take a quart of it and drain it overnight and make yo-cheese I love it so if I don't like the kefir I'll make cheese!
I'm hoping that the grand kids who love that liquid yogurt that comes in the tiny expensive bottles will take to kefir with some of the berries that I have frozen from my garden.
Interesting that you don't like yogurt, but hope to like kefir. It is the opposite for me. I love yogurt - home made, plain with no sweetening or fruit, though garlic and herbs are a nice combination - but I had a really hard time getting into a relationship with the kefir. For awhile it reminded me of cultured buttermilk, which I also like, but then it just didn't appeal to me anymore - which is why I dried the grains, and stopped production. I want to like it because I know how healthy it is, and (now that I have a source for raw milk) I like that I can make kefir at room temperature. So I hope that these grains (as well as those I sent you) will revive.