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- #1,891
Epicurean Goddess
We have been busy - getting some stuff done around the house. TR replaced a portion of a ceiling that was falling down due to a roof leak. The roof has been replaced, and we have had enough rain to determine that it is no longer leaking. So he cut away the bad portion and replaced it with drywall. We just have to tape/mud it and then we can get that room painted and something done with it.
I have been working on projects and doing some Christmas baking. I need to get busy on the denium braided rug, which is still sitting in its bag.
Last Sunday was 2nd Sunday lunch and TR and I were responsible for getting it set up in time. TR took the lasagne out of the oven and dropped it and kicked it across the church kitchen floor (most of it stayed in the pan, thankfully! And no one saw him do it but me
). So now he talks about drop-kick lasagne as his new dinner creation! 
One early morning last week, TR woke me about 4 am to say there was a wild dingo in the bedroom. He keeps a small keychain flashlight on the table next to his side of the bed. He was flashing that thing all around the room, but I couldn't see anything.
The night before last, we were sitting in bed reading. I looked up to see a wild dingo come from under the closet door into the bedroom. It looked up and saw me and then ran back inside. A moment later, two wild dingos ran partially into the room, ran about a bit like they couldn't find the closet door, and then ran back to the safety of the hole in the wall in the closet. So I got up and searched the spare bedroom for a piece of hardware cloth. I couldn't find it, so I pushed a mini-blind slat in front of the hole and held the slat up with a pair of my shoes. Yesterday TR put out some wild dingo poison in the closet and around the upstairs and in the basement. These are places Titan doesn't go, so we should be safe using the poison. I don't know where the "wild dingo" name came from in TR's head..... but it sure sounds nicer than a mouse in the house.
We are looking forward to 3 services on Christmas Eve - 6:30pm, 9pm and 11pm. The early service is the children's Christmas pagent, 9pm will be the Cantata choir and 11pm is candlelight service. This will be our third year of attending all 3 services.
TR has to work Christmas Day, but we are hoping he will be able to leave at 11am, so we can get to my sister C's house for Christmas Day dinner.
I have been working on projects and doing some Christmas baking. I need to get busy on the denium braided rug, which is still sitting in its bag.
Last Sunday was 2nd Sunday lunch and TR and I were responsible for getting it set up in time. TR took the lasagne out of the oven and dropped it and kicked it across the church kitchen floor (most of it stayed in the pan, thankfully! And no one saw him do it but me

One early morning last week, TR woke me about 4 am to say there was a wild dingo in the bedroom. He keeps a small keychain flashlight on the table next to his side of the bed. He was flashing that thing all around the room, but I couldn't see anything.

The night before last, we were sitting in bed reading. I looked up to see a wild dingo come from under the closet door into the bedroom. It looked up and saw me and then ran back inside. A moment later, two wild dingos ran partially into the room, ran about a bit like they couldn't find the closet door, and then ran back to the safety of the hole in the wall in the closet. So I got up and searched the spare bedroom for a piece of hardware cloth. I couldn't find it, so I pushed a mini-blind slat in front of the hole and held the slat up with a pair of my shoes. Yesterday TR put out some wild dingo poison in the closet and around the upstairs and in the basement. These are places Titan doesn't go, so we should be safe using the poison. I don't know where the "wild dingo" name came from in TR's head..... but it sure sounds nicer than a mouse in the house.

We are looking forward to 3 services on Christmas Eve - 6:30pm, 9pm and 11pm. The early service is the children's Christmas pagent, 9pm will be the Cantata choir and 11pm is candlelight service. This will be our third year of attending all 3 services.
TR has to work Christmas Day, but we are hoping he will be able to leave at 11am, so we can get to my sister C's house for Christmas Day dinner.