Another thing I like about them is that can be bred year-round and typically have multiple births. I also think I would be able to sell the kids pretty easily in this area.
Kinder R goats can make a good homestead goat for many people, but right now the main registry that registers them trademarked the name so unless we can change that you have to be careful about what you call a Kinder goat. If you are a Kinder breeder or want to be and are in the possibility of stopping this trademark thing please contact me.
I would not sell an unregistered Kinder as a Kinder. I would sell it as a Pygmy over Nubian cross. And if I wanted to start my own line of "Kinders" I would have to start with a registered Nubian doe and a registered Pygmy anyway and wouldn't even be able to register the offspring as "Kinder" until the 4th or 5th generation. I'm really just after a good dual purpose goat with a stronger emphasis on milk.
I've been raising Kinders for 10 years, I love them. They are a really nice size, which makes them easy to handle. Their milk production is very good too. The amount of cheese you get per gallon of milk is amazing because of the high butter fat. The people who have purchased bucks for meat have been very impressed by the amount of meat on them. I'm in Central California if you are interested in registered Kinders.